Night maps

Night maps have huge potential in enlisted being on the ground and seeing all the tracer fire or being in a tank or plane and seeing it could be an amazing sight while still being the game we love


Watch people come in here with “muh nvidia filters” and “muh ai”

Edit: They couldn’t resist


I drop this… and lets see if you like it

> Blockquote


Yes for night maps.


No need of night maps. Only needless work with setting up graphic filters.

Hear me out: Filters:
Currently Enlisted seems too bright and all the colors are vivid.
Perhaps we could add realistic filters to make the game more “gritty.” This could also extend to night filters, and colorblind filters. etc.


I believe NM should be added, as well as a D-Day paratrooper mission, where axis must defend the farm fields, using AA cannons as well as flat cannons, and allied paratroopers must disable the 88 flack guns, and take two objectives, while destroying a radio tower or radio bunker of some sort. Much like the old medal of honor games Or brothers and arms HL Highway/road to hill, 30.

I second this post!:+1:


problem is that this is frankly asking too much of the framework DF already has in place.

it would be limited to those who already have paratroopers.

the same problem exists while Amphibious landing craft are limited to a select number of squads.

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