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All of the squad unit in the campaign were involve in the campaign in history.
Bruh, it is you claiming that cenesorship stuff, and now you fail to give any example.

I doubt they use this kind of uniform since they don’t wear German uniform during infiltration.

Bruh, Brandenburger was already doing this years ago before operation Grief.

You’re the one who was claiming they had their named changed because they weren’t there.

277th Reconnaissance Battalion. They’re commandos serving under Otto Skorzeny.

Most units used normal uniforms. No one had standardized winter camouflage masks and foliage.

I’m aware of their operations in Poland. I hope they are added to the game one day.

You are the one claiming their name change because of censorship.
So, are there anything wrong in my theory? Are those squad unit in campaign didn’t involve in the campain in history?

Bruh you need to prove this with example, not using this to prove it self.
You are just repeating the same thing without giving any proof lol.

Because it was. The 277th Reconnaissance Battalion doesn’t exist, and there would be no reason to censor the Brandenburgers.

It’s reaching.

The Brandenburgers weren’t there. They were never deployed on the Western Front at all.

I did. They fit the description of Skorzeny’s commandos in Operation Greif and are operating in the same area that they were.


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It can just be them name the battalion wrongly. And there is no reason to censor panzer brigade 150 since there is no SS element in the name.

The panzer brigade 150 weren’t there. They never reach Normandy at all and doesn’t exist during Battle of Normandy.

I mean the example of censorship. And that description fit with brandenburger.

Lol, Now Normandy is part of Belgium is it?

The name is one of the divisions that participated in the Battle of the Bulge, but had no such reconnaissance battalion.

You made this up. They cannot use the exact names of SS units. If their exact name is Panzer Brigade 150, they cannot use it.

Neither were Jumbos, Battle of the Bulge is close enough.

Yes, not using their real name because they’re part of an SS operation is censorship. There would be no reason to censor the Brandenburgers.

Lol I literally said they may just named the battalion wrongly, that can be a infantry battalion instead of reconnaissance battalion.

It can also be called as SS Panzer Brigade 150. So Using Panzer Brigade 150 is doable.

Lol, you still can’t give me example that change the name entirely. You can’t prove that is because of censorship, because you have no example.

Except they’re commandos and the name corresponds to an infantry division that participated in the Battle of the Bulge.

That is not what they were called, you’re just making shit up again.

I did.

I feel that I’ve provided more than sufficient evidence.

Repeating this over and over again will not make it true.

That division also take part in Battle of Normandy so you theory is not proven.

panzer brigade 150
Its 2023, but somebody can’t do a Google search.

Bruh, I repeated many time, you can’t use that panzer brigade 150 as example because your goal is to prove it is because of censorship. You need other example.

Yeah, repeating that panzer brigade 150 that you haven’t prove yet as evidence.

And did not have any reconnaissance battalion.

Looks like their official name was still Panzer Brigade 150.

And you still need an example of Darkflow changing the name of a squad for historical reasons and not censorship.

This isn’t even a coherent sentence.

Can’t form a properly structured sentence or coherent argument? I’ve noticed.

Bruh, I already answer you . That may be named incorrectly.

Bruh, and you say the name is made up? There is no rule to censor the exact name without SS element. And how do you know the official name is panzer brigade 150?

I don’t need, since I can prove that all squad in campaign is involve historically. That is the rule for the squad in campaign for whatever reason. But you can’t find any SS unit with entirely different name.

Lol, keep repeating the same thing and fail to use google, you have a more serious problem.

“may be” isn’t an argument.

The “ss element” is something that you made up. They just need plausible deniability that it’s a different unit which means they cannot use the exact name or symbols.

Because it’s the primary name used in your own source.

You most definitely do.

Isn’t your entire argument that they are based on the Brandenburgers who never fought on the western front?

I did. You can’t name any unit squad which had their name changed for historicity instead of censorship.

Do you understand what the sentence means yet?

I recommended them as infiltration unit while ago. But everybody freaked out

Lol the Panzer Brigade 150 is here. Your theory has been debunked. The naming is what I said, they directly use Panzer Brigade 150 and remove the SS from 600th SS-Parachute Battalion so it is called 600th Parachute Battalion.

The 277th Recon Battalion of the 277th Infantry Division uses the exact same emblem as the real life 277th Infantry Division which participated in the Battle of the Bulge. 277th Infantry Division - Wikipedia
They are not Brandenburgers, which have no political reason to be disguised as with the SS units.
Your ‘theory’ is still wrong, you obsessed sperg.

Lol I already told you on top, it need to be a unit that involved in battle of Normandy. You just can’t admit your mistake?

You said they were the Brandenburgers, who were never on the Western Front at any point in the war. Now they’re naming the new squad after Panzer Brigade 150 600th Parachute Battalion, which didn’t exist. The Panzer Brigade 150 commandos were recruited from the SS-FallschirmjĂ€ger-Battalion 600 among several other units. Obviously the commandos wore American uniforms. They might have intended for them to be based on the FallschirmjĂ€gers who participated in the last Axis jump of the war in Operation Stösser, which was part of the Battle of the Bulge.

Lol the Panzer Brigade 150 wasn’t even formed during battle of Normandy.

The Panzer Brigade 150 600th Parachute Battalion is just censored name of the SS-FallschirmjÀger-Battalion 600, which is exactly what I said about how darkflow censor the SS unit name.

I think you had forgot what is going on. Let me give you a quick recap.
Your theory: This unit is based on Panzer Brigade 150 but they can’t use that name because they are SS so they use 277th Reconnaissance Battalion.
Wrong, they literally use the name Panzer Brigade 150 on event squad, so there is no censorship for the name Panzer Brigade 150.

My theory: This unit could be based on Brandenburgers, but the name is changed because they never participated in battle of Normandy.
Can you prove my theory wrong?