New Vehicles for the Rider class and a new class

Idk where you got that from but no, the Type 91 Army armored car would not be armed with a Navy Type 92 LMG.
By default the Type 91 would be unarmed but usually Type 11 machine guns would be used as armament, or sometimes just whatever was on hand
(This one with a ZB-26)

Thats a Type 3 6.5 MMG, not a 13.2 HMG. Also autocannons start from 20mm onwards.

Will correct it.

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yes its not its Japan what do you expect a real autocannon xD

But if the Type 11 isnt enough firepower it could be replaced with the Type 92.

7.7 mm machine gun

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Closest you could get to that would be the Type 92 tankette actually armed with a 13.2 HMG someone else already suggested.
Considering Soviets and Americans would get HMGs as well this would be good enough.

Type 92 MMG would be difficult (if not impossible) to use in the narrow turret with its feed strips.
Like I said the guns used would usually be improvised from infantry LMGs.

But I think the 6.5 Type 11 or 7.92 ZB-26 would be fine for the turret considering the vehicle also had firing ports on the side which could be armed with machine guns as well.

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For Japanese standards yes :smiley:

Maybe the type 97 ?
Type 97

Tank machine gun that wouldn’t really be around the units using armored cars (again the LMGs in the Type 91 armored cars were improvised, not standard issue).
Plus ingame performance wise would be pretty much the same as the ZB-26 except for the lack of the optic, both fire a full power rifle round from a 20 round box magazine.

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Hmm this makes sense as well, equally good alternative I think

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I think Br 4 would be to much for the lightly armored and lightly armed vehicles that can be penned by any Tank and Anti Tank weapon from an Br.
I say we keep the motorcycles on br 1 and Jeeps on Br 2.
While the Scout class has vehicles armed with Mgs on Br 2 and Scout cars with Autocannons should be on Br 3.

Also they Scout class should be limited to two Squads at a time.
And the Rider class to three.


you are forgetting one thing - the rider class is not inherently supposed to replace tanks, their main objective is supposed to flank around the map and build a rally, since unlike APCs they have Pioneers - while giving support fire, a BR4 auto canon light armored vehicle can also attack planes.

it would absolutely have its purpose.

It would have its Purpose but it would get absolutly dunked on by anything with more than 20 mm pen, that includes all Autocannons in planes and even the 50 calls on Allied

I think it would only be usefull angainst Planes when you shot first, it would also be worse than the Pioner built Flak because the turret would be slower.

It would be fine in Br 3 but Br 4 would be to much for it.

M1919A4? Nah, gimme the M2 Browning

The Panzer I

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I like that we can all agree at the very least that if its armed with just an MG it should be Rider vehicle.

Some have said making armored cars added to the rider class but as I say why would a Sd Kfz 234/4 with a Pak 40 be a rider vehicle while a Stuart is a tank slot. So then it just depends on the armament.

MG= Rider vehicle
anything else is and should be vehicle slot

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goofy ahh horn sound.mp3
followed by

I think Sd kfz 234/4 isnt really a scout car ,it is more of a Tank hunter that would fit the Tank class and I think anything thats armed with more than an Autocannon shoud be an Tank.