Rookies should not have a sniper squad in their “starter set” of squads. Give them an at squad or better - an engineering squad.
The reasoning is that the game lacks a proper tutorial and new players don’t quite understand the main objectives of the missions. Eventually, they favor sniper units and stop being useful on the battlefield at all.
A trillion times this.
Imo you shouldn’t even be able to have a lineup that will let you queue if you do not have at least some engineers (IMO almost every squad should actually come with 1 REQUIRED engineer with options to unlock more)
Meanwhile new players are trained to be useless by starting with damn snipers and by the time they unlock engineers most of them seem to have internalised this mindset, to the point of seemingly thinking engineer == more ammo for my sniper or engineer == bigger gun for snipers
Again, you should not be even able to start queueing without an engineer