The first sniper squad should be swapped with the first engineers squad, noobs should not have direct acces snipers. They mostly stuck in their sniper squad way too long because they think as a sniper you should hide in some bush and make some 300m kill every now and then. I oftens see like 3 - 4 sniper squads doing this (mostly low rank players, so at this late in the BP probably newbees), if we assume that at least two others are flying or drinving a tank, than we have effective 2 - 3 squads to play the objective, this way on can loose a point in matter of seconds.
I dont blame them, as this is what one sees in all the movies, that snipers hide in some remote church tower or bush. But in enlisted this is a luxury behavior which you can only afford if others play the objective and do the heavy lifting for you.
On the other hand, new players maybe have fun building stuff (preferably spawns ) that would be a win win scenario.
So, must we give them one and confiscate the other? Just give them both.
Snipers are actually a newbie protection mechanism that ensures that even a noob will not be slaughtered by experienced players within a few hours of installing this game, and can receive some easy kills. This is important for developers as they hope more new players will stay in this game.
It’s funny because I play snipers often, but in an unconventional DMR user way (and not even with semis or boosted avs, I mean bolties), and I often end up “best sniper” using my guy once in a match, over the poor sods using snipers the entire match, far from the action, like snipers “should” realistically be used…
snipers are most of time useless,however 1 squad only with good skills can be a true pain and also useful as spotters if you play in squad with friends,I can give two examples,first one at pacific campaign,usally the big tower with flag its an amazing snippet area for keep enemy away from a bomb,in berlin map there is a good tower at train station (not map of protect train,the other) who it have a clear view of the surroundings,perfect for mark tanks and spot infsntry aread
give new players both sniper AND engineer. all problems solved. no reason why not. new players should absolutely be handed a way to make a rally though.
Weird actually. When they have proper equipment ( sidearms, grenades, mines etc…) they are one of the best infiltration units.
With only 5 men , I sneak up around enemy infantry easily, usimg unprecedented routes. Building rallies and ambushing tansk from rares.
They are also very good for reconaissence.
New player getting farmed by snipers and having no snipers to counter it sounds like a horrible first experience. Let them have snipers. If anyone the new player should be the one to use them.
Yeah giving them a Sniper Squad right off the rip is kinda dumb. Pushing them to play in a way that is literally detrimental to both their body count and their team
What will be dumb is gatekeeping the easy class from the new players. With this backwards ideology that benefit mostly veteran players the game will die like the other F2P games that made the same stupid decisions.
How is it the easy class? I find it MORE difficult to hit people with the scopes than I do with irons. Even at long distance. Besides, this game is objective focused. Snipers are the opposite of that. Why feed them TDM tactics when they need to be fed push objective
Not being able to hit someone with a scope its a “you” problem. The idea of a sniper is to shoot at someone from a safe distance. Which is the optimal noob friendly thing to happen. The new players needs to be fed something else than bullets to the face. If they choose to stay with the game they will figure out how to capture a point. Taking away the snipers is not the way. If you don’t like snipers ask to be removed from the game but don’t punish new players for it.