New para squad is borderline pay to win, suggestions to change

I have some suggestions regarding this new Japan Para squad

    1. Make it BRV, the sooner the better. Its blatant pay to win at BR4
    1. Give it an INCREDIBLY satisfying ping sound when people hit your gun shield, I have no idea when its actually helping me apart from full breakage
    1. AT Rifles should 100% always ignore the shield. It should NEVER stop a round from those rifles (this is like a 0.0001% scenario, but still!)
    1. If you wanted to buff it in return, give it the 0.15 dispersion of the regular type-hei-auto, instead of 0.22 - another buff could be to ADS speed if it really needs it (I dont think the "best gun in the game [top2 easily] needs buffs but yea xd)
    1. Ammo capacity buff would be nice, but again I dont think it needs buffs in any way

Could be nerfed to only 30/30 instead.

  1. FG-42 with GL (another para weapon with gimmick) has only 20/40
  2. tech tree type hei auto has only 30/30 as well.

Unlike the type Hei lmg it’s not a semi rifle unlike the FG so it gets the lmg treatment and not the semi automatic rifle treatment

But it would have some debuffs like a lmg

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It should also get at least 20% sprint speed reduction.


Clasification is completely artificial thing. And if anything, this weapon is most similar to Federov MG (which basically doesn’t have MG treatment as well).

The weapon by itself isn’t even heavy. What makes it heavy is the shield. And since the shield can be destroyed, should the suggested movement penalty be nullified once the shield is lost?

Not to mention that movement penalty for paratroopers is not a really harsh downside, lol.