New missions

berlin getting more love it’s all I need right now.! Hyped for it.


Looking good Darkflow, looking good. :ok_hand:

Keo isn’t the only staff member to post, but is the most prominent for sure.

What i hope: STG44, Reichstag map, Panzerschreck, a new and actually useful tank, maybe a new better mortar.


The maps in this game always look so exciting and fun ,yet realistic.
Good job!
Hopefully they play as good as they look.

finally some decent news :slight_smile:

i have been looking for so long hoping to play an invasion for birch grove.
waiting pays off.

the feeling about gare de saint Lo feels a bit like Berlin where it’s for the majority ruins, but things new are always welcomed.

sad that i don’t particularly enjoy Tunisia, but i’ll give it a try in custom games.

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Sent to gulag?

New Birch Grove - interesting
Oasis for Tunisia - more interesting.

Also, when will be Tunisia campaign level upgrade?




More maps are always welcome …

Oh nice!
I definitely look forward to each of those maps!


Very happy, thank you!

Спасибо! Миссий очень хотелось новых. Нормандия заинтриговала.

You know, the map rotation is one thing, but I’d also like to get something other than Conquest if Darkflow gives me a 200/300% XP booster. I end up getting less xp than a regular D-day round.

Замечательное обновление. Висит сообщение “Производится авторизация. Пожалуйста подождите…” Лучшее обновление.

Please fix your forum page regarding important msgs/news please, only just seen this post, as s1 replied to it.

I don’t do Moscow or berlin, but i do Normandy, and Tunisia, and i think the nep maps look sweet, should of put this is same post as the nerfing of semi auto post, would of gone down better.