New idea for defenders since everyone hates us so much

Let the custom games work so we can get XP and do the event stuff and we can do all of our defender nonsense in there and you can let the running gun lunatics have the public matches.


muh farming and muh player collusion reasoning coming soon

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Being a faction main is one thing, but being a defender main you cant even choose is next level.


Well I am losing my sanity playing enlisted anyway.

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i would say…

wait for the War thunder PVE imported defense mode into enlisted.

but… i can’t say it’s gonna be fun.

waves after waves.

with… defenses that will most likely block AI to even reaching the objective?


i guess some might find that fun to play.

( speculation on my part. all i could find so far, was an old BLK mission for a pve over manor where soviets have to defend from germans. i’m trying to fix it and recreate it, but kinda making holes in the water with no idea how those waves works in term of code )

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I’d expect nothing less from War Thunder: Infantry Edition

I agree with most of guardianreaper stuff so I’d actually like this game to be more tactical instead of running gun

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What does it have to do with people hating defenders?

Everything we try to push through when it comes to defenders is either disliked or people don’t agree with it because it destroys the fast-paced gameplay.

Toolkits to “Deconstruct” Enemy Fortifications, and it’s effect on mine usage, plus Bangalore Torpedos - Suggestions - Enlisted

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