New idea about the grayzone system

So how about we change it a bit. Because I am so tired of grayzone tanks out of infantry’s explowsive pack reach.
there should be 3 zones in a game.
fight zone. the white zone we have now
boundary. the grayzone we have now
and a new middle zone.
in this zone should be the area where people build spawns that is less risky but still not far from point. like cover 50-60% of the distance between spawn and point.
when enemy player reach this zone, they got pined real-time. like how old lion work in R6S.
radio man can call for artillary in this area. maybe less rounds but gurantee some rounds will directly hit vehicle with in the circle.

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I recently suggested a system based on the concept of “offsides” in soccer/ “blitzing” in flag football.

In playground flag/touch football, rushing the quarterback is prohibited until the defenders count 10 seconds. After 10s, defenders can go behind the line and try to rush the qb.

If we were to have a dynamic where “grey zone camping” was allowed for so long before grey zone infiltration was allowed, I think that would improve the dynamic and prevent campers from having too high of an advantage.

In my suggestion, I detailed a couple of scenarios that would be enabled through a rules-based system such as “pilot down behind enemy lines”, “behind lines infiltration”, and “envelopment” without introducing any limits to where defensive tanks are permitted to camp.

or maybe just make the playable area bigger


Just copy War Thunder’s spawn zone mechanics…
Remove the one-sided grayzone and let everyone run around the same area.
Extend (a bit) the duration of spawn immunity (and impliment it on tanks if it isn’t), and just perma mark enemies that are in your spawn.
Also, make the battle area wider to allow for flanking maneuvers and ambushes of enemy reinforcements.

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You could keep things largely the same but just make it so that kills achieved from within the Gray zone don’t secure any point. Essentially meaning it is disadvantageous to get kills from inside the grey zone, unless it is an absolute necessity. You would need to clearly mark wherever the grey zone is and is not on the map though.

nah. another reason why I said this idea is because I am the kind of guy who love to rush and find enemy spawn to put landmines on them. and For most of the time It takes me a whole squad to find and setup one mined spawn

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