New gaming mode “Armored Train”, and the addition of “Berlin” on Playstation 4 and Xbox One

It literaly came out 1hour ago.
And you expect it to be perfectly balanced?

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The destruction is out for how long? Still the same.

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IS-1. You can see it on th muzzle and length of the Barrel

Fix update here - Ok, nope you can’t build rps here. GG DW.

Only thing i can say - the whole map is too green, too much flowers and grass. Battle of Seelow heights was fought in middle of April so this doesn’t make sense at all. Trees should have barely any leaves at all. It should be darkier, grittier & with more fog.

they look so good here :open_mouth:

We just want equal treatment, man
Too many console players can absolutely ruin the experience for everyone involved.


nice new map and mode, so nice to have good lighting and visibility on Berlin :smile:

Serious question, how are too many console players in a game “experience (ruining)”?

I’ve played with some console players that are better than pc players in this game. I don’t have any idea why most pc players are so bad at Enlisted, but it’s a common occurrence.

Current gen console players always tended to be on par
Previous gen opened the floodgates to children who can’t keep up with the bot squads much less current gen or pc players

PC players have a much higher chance of having double digit kills by the time the match ends which is their only saving grace lmao

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Yikes that’s a particularly bad game you have screened there. Berlin balance is completely dicked.

Berlin balance is actually fantastic
German players and especially new console players are especially dogshit

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Holy fast response, batman.

You’re arguing semantics right now if you think the balance is good, yet the players are dogshit. The balance is obviously not good if there isn’t any parity between teams. I’d even go as far to say as the mechanical balance is irrelevant at that point.

I use the basic gear like k98s, MP-40s, and G43s on every squad aside from Engi II which is FGs
I didn’t use the FG squad that match until the very very end like just got to B and it ended end
The rest was G43, K98, and MP-40

There is no equipment disparity in Berlin aside from the IV J vs T-34-85
For every good German player there’s 10 horrible ones sadly


Can’t argue with you there, my man.

Even at an equipment disadvantage on Berlin (playing intentionally with full volks squads) I regularly end up in the top 3 while my team struggles to spawn at the rallies and press w + lmb.

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When I get people I know in a match as Germans and doubly so if its when I’m squadded with friends we absolutely dominate the Soviets/Americans. Otherwise its me/us trying to drag a team of mongrels to victory more often than not. Back to your original question about why I dislike console players, is that opening the floodgates to previous gen (Xbone/PS4) diluted that 10:1 ratio even further to the point that it can make it less fun for everyone involved. We get shit on, they get shit on, enemy gets no xp since our team just rolls or vice versa. Its a frustrating experience for everyone involved when that happens is all.

Tiger shits on everything the Russians have if you know how to angle btw

They already said they wont separate console from PC. Youll have to live with it.

In my eyes console players can be as good as an above average PC player.

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Oh I know that

Yes they very well can and you’d see it often back when crossplay was first added

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couldnt agree more.

my last 2 berlin batles :

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