New event mg for germany

Also marder 3 for br 2


ā€¦ says an allied mainā€¦

sure i play all faction and you pick that ok

maybe next time actually know what that person play before 2024

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as an event item yes; with a belt length/ammo capacity of the M2 stinger;

at the ROF of 1350 1650 fineā€¦

For The Tech Tree However: zk.423, MG15nAā€¦

bro, we are already have mg45 with 50 rounds drum as premium squad and i dont want to upset you, but it has 1650 rof.

whatever, thatā€™s fine for an RPM
as long as itā€™s an EVENT, weapon and not something added to the tech tree;

Tech Tree: zk.423, MG15nAā€¦ keeps it simple;


ZK423: Nice looking gun but never a well needed addition to the tech tree. The MG34 has the same ammo cap (50rds), a lot more rof and higher dmg (7.92x33 from the ZK vs 7.92x57 from the MG34). The ZK423 could be a nice event gun (but only for Tier II-III max).
MG15nA: Firearm from WW1, really? Slow, clumsy,ā€¦ while the US and USSR again will get hyper guns and fantasy firearms.

The german tech tree needs a MG34 with 100 rds belt and/or a MG42 with historical rof (1200+) and 100 rds belt too. Nothing more, nothing less. It can not be that hard, even when the developers hate the german fraction.

One thing is for sure, the belt fed MG 34 and 42 should be RESEARCH TREE. You donā€™t make STANDARD ISSUE premium or event


cough cough that one jap tank cough cough

still i guess that premium tank should have been free (cause i heard that the event one was better)

Something about ZK-423 it doesnā€™t have 50 round belt holder all of the original ZK-423s (6 models were made) were lost and they used special belt links for both 8mm rapid and later models for 8mm kurz but those belt links were lost later on Military History Institute of Prague remade them(Using the sketches and plans ) and asked for 50 round belt holder so technically speaking ZK-423 can get 100 round belt
But anyway I am a visionary German player so why not add Conders MG (real one which fires 8mm mauser ) which has 2200 to 2400 RPM

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this is for the equivalent of the maxim-tokarev and the m1919A6; that is a TECH TREE machinegun.

the point is to cap off any potential power-creep with regards to Tech Tree Weapons.

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so where do we draw the line ?

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Can we fix the MG 42 rate of fire to 1200 first I donā€™t know why its so low in enlisted


Tech Tree:

  • make the T20 and the Type Hei Auto start on semi,

  • ideally just fix the way AI uses semi-auto so it uses it correctly;

  • give the FG-42 and FG-42 II their silly pig stickers, still functional as bayonets.

  • FG-42 sniper, AVS-36 Sniper, both reduced to 10 round magazine;

  • FG-42 sniper has itā€™s Dispersion fixed;

  • FG42 I and FG42II, along with the AVS-36 and AVT-40 have stats put in line with the T20 and Type Hei Auto; they should not deviate by much at all;

  • move the M2 Carbine to an Assault-rifle category with an option for refunds for a timeā€¦

  • introduce MG34 (Early) BRIII, 50 round belt, has a rate-reduced mode, changes ROF to 400-500 from the 800 of ā€œfast autoā€;

  • Give the Allies and Japanese the Lewis guns (IJN Type 92 light Machine Gun for the Japanese) both BR III; with 47-round drums;

  • Give the Germans the Zk. 423 with a 100 round belt,

  • the MG-15nA or Mg - 08/15 or MG-08/17 with a 100-150 round belt.

  • Give the Germans a Fw. 190F-8 with 6 rockets and a bomb, The Japanese some variation of the A6M5 or N1K with 6 rockets and bombs/a bombā€¦

  • Introduce a Carbine BRII and/or BRIII for the Soviets; either a counterpart to the Type Hei or the VG1-5

  • Japan gets a Army Type 89 Field Mod at BR V, 100 round belt, rof set at 600;

  • Soviet SVT-38 changed to feed from stripper clips rather than magazine. (rational: early war there wouldnā€™t have been enough magazines to keep up with the demand)ā€¦

  • Suomi kp/31 for germany? box and/or drum; BRIII-BRIV;

  • additional ā€˜proto-assault riflesā€™/ā€˜carbine-also-ransā€™ for the Allies at BR IV and V;

  • Model 2A (1934) ā€˜SMGā€™ for Japan, in Type 95 6.5x30mm; BRV

  • Type Ko (sniper) for Japan. BRIV-V


M2 Stinger Possibly Nerfed to 100 round belt;

  • MG45 with a belt that matches the M2 Stinger, Rate of Fire matches that of the current premium MG45; BR V

  • DT-39/40 (belt matches the length of the M2 Stinger); ROF 1000~1200 rpm BRV

  • (JAPAN) Field Mod (Captured) 303 aircraft machine gun Field Mod; (belt matches length of M2 Stinger), ROF 1120 rpm (using the WT stats for the ROF of those 303ā€™s) BRV

Most importanly implement these changes in a manner that at the very least, ā€˜boostsā€™ one axis and one allied at the same time, at the same-ish BRā€™sā€¦


Actually a really good idea


pretty reasonable list :+1:


forgot to talk about adding japanese shotguns,
and german + soviet(+Japanese(?)) Tier IV semi-autos with Rifle Grenadesā€¦

in addition thereā€™s some stuff about Japanese MGā€™s Iā€™d alter; but Japanese Machineguns are a whole mess as far as documentation is concerned.

but this was sort of about filling in ā€˜gapsā€™, while slowing down potential ā€œpower creepsā€ā€¦

Add it to the Tech Tree.