New Engineer Items and buildables

@ModGage and @Lthiddensniper, you guys are slow. Upvote his post now, quick!

Take it in chunks, thats what i did. Its a debate i believe that needs to be made.

yes, he has many good points, unfortunately keo and devs/helpers gave a clear signal that the fortifications will not receive any major improvements so as not to change the current pace of the game. So it turns out that developers prefer to leave it as it is. It’s a pity, I’m a bit tired of how fast, mindless and arcade-like this game is, but that won’t change anytime soon, if at all.

the most significant thing here is that many players play this game very passively, which is often seen especially in invasions. This is a great illustration of how players approach this game - over time, they start to play more aggressively and more mindlessly because that’s what the game encourages them to do.


That may be true but things will have to change on steam and the fast-paced community won’t be here forever


then we must make like reaper explain people see the benefits of the fun gameplay who this could bring, because we could let players have more fun :3


yes, I think that slowing down the game and pushing aim skill into the background would help the game, especially since most players, let’s be honest, can’t aim well

I am one of those users, mainly because I play with everything at a minimum and with my latency I don’t see half of the things as I would like, but I have enough skill to remain as a support player


yes and i want support players to be more influential in the game.

then follow our god guardianreaper and spread the message

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When will you get it?
Your God and his followers only = not even a 1% of player base,
so just because you get 15 people in a forum agreeing, its not a majority.
i am sorry

Just because you only like to play CoD style/zerg rush does not mean that we all like it, as mentioned above, many players are forced one way or another to play in a way that they do not like just because this game demands of them do it, which, as you say, we are 15 people,who try look for viable options so that people can play other ways, other styles, a few years ago no one thought that there would be paratroopers, a few years ago a crazy person on the forum gave the idea of a mobile rally and we have the APCs, do you know what I mean now?


You have watched me play?
you assume, i a zerg rusher, but i am not.
And i play, which ever way the game goes, i do not have a set Strat, for every game i enter.
Be water, in game :smile:

I wasn’t referring to you per se, but rather, a general way of how this game is played.


it’s not about pushing something but expressing your opinion, I prefer slower gameplay with more playstyles viable and I’ll say it even when I’m alone with it.


slower the game with certain improvements would make more exp and more silver for us…think about this


I played games over a hour, and i played 6.47 min games,
to me if i play same as i do for 6 mins, over a hour, game
the score/sliver would be same, just what i can score in 6min x 10

very rare to get full on full games, and if you did, games would be diff
But when majority of games are you and bots Vs real stacks on other team, these are not fun.

6 to 8 minute matches should not be the norm unless you’re playing conquest

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Should not be normal!
But FFS remember the player base, there is none.

what is it???
30k average daily login in etc??
Over a 24 hour period, come on wake up

even if it 50k a day, over 24h, is still nothing.

The ammo bag can be used as a alternative. Equipped in the same slot as regular backpack slot items.

How do you even out between the ammo bag and the crate?