New Camouflage for German (Premium-)Tanks

Hello Fellows and Friends (and Enlisted-Team),

i created this topic to advise you at the circumstances that german (premium) Tanks lagg on adjustable camouflagepatterns for forrests, fields and swamps.

→ i own the 8,8 Sf. 39 and the Pz. II (F) wich both have (like most common german tanks) only Grey/Tunisian Beige/Snowwhite, even for the 8,8 (BR IV) Beige for low BR Tunesian map is insane usless but other maps hard to play without camouflage

Please add some in the near future to even the gameplay, bc all allied and russian tanks are camouflaged in green, germany had camouflage paterns historicaly as well as you know


Maybe you could use the Patterns from The Puma wich has a lot to choose as i discoverd (i would buy it than :smiley: )

p.s. thats only camo for erzatz

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Premium PZ IV E and premium StuG A do need a classic grey camo option.

Like they literally don’t have a neutral camo option atm.


while we are speacking of the II (F) we could add I think it’s smoke dispenser



( pics are in the first comment )

Well nut its just for mods isnt it? I wish the cammo in real troop battles please @Enlisted Team

The dark yellow paint is actually rare, most German vehicles were painted with at least 2 colours or simply not fully painted with yellow so the red primer still showed in some places creating some cheap but functional camo.

(camo was generally field applied so you will mostly find unicolour panzers that are still in transport)

On the first picture, the tanks doesn’t even have unit markings yet

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those are also in the base game.

just not available as an option.

But will my enemys see them as well than? And is it completly free or have i to buy than the added camouflagees?


how to put it simplier.

those are TEXTURES that are currently PRESENT IN THE GAME.
just, not available as an option like the others. we could say sort of " hidden ".

but they would function just like every single camo every tank has.

devs just need to make them as an option.

OH i just understood that we are able to open something like console ourselfes and than add it ourselves in to the perfered tank.

SO that is not possible huh? We have to wait for the devs?

that, on the other hand ( of which i made pictures with )

is the editor.

where you can access to most of the stuff and apply camoulfage your self.

there is a guide if you want to reproduce them your self:

it can be daunting and challenging.

but you get a good idea of what can be done, cosmetics, etc.
( well, i had mostly to datamine stuff to make that list )

well, no. and yes

you cannot change them unless you use modded custom missions.

which are still part of the game, just not able to be used over pubblic matches.

but yes, we do need devs to implement them and add all templates to all vehicles.

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Why will they not just do so? Its easy for them for sure and will generate a lot of income for gaijin + making players happy!

The good sometimes is so close xD

wait until you’ll find out that there are 65% of unused cosmetics that are available in the editor, but not the base game :skull:

it is like that sometimes.

lack of interest, or… artificial scarsity or some stuff.

nice things do take some time to arrive.
and sometimes, not even close unfortunately…

but, it is what it is.