New Battlefield - Rzhev

yeah not rlly fully made maps but u get the point

The more i play this map the more i love it. It has really nice details like this toy store in the market


Very good! I was worried after last update that we would not be getting any maps.

Sovjets deserve some extra maps as well,
Next two updates for Japs and i would never complain about maps again, keep up the great work.

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Breaking Rzhev battle history with Tiger 2 is not fun.

Rzhev on BR 1-3 is fun.

Maybe not fun for you but most people probably wont care. If you dont enjoy seeing rzhev in high br you can always leave those matches.

I think many high br players will be happy to finally get something else than stalingrad and berlin


That’s sad isn’t it? Ignorance dictating the rules.

Why not add a high BR map like East Prussia?
Or actual BR1-5 map like Belarus.

Battle of Rzhev is intentionally bastardised now and people are ecstatic about it

Not having a new map on higher BR is not fun. I dont get this wierd ‘historical accuracy’ thing. Like i am studiying to become a historian and i can tell you, none of these things in Enlisted are like it was in real history.

Not to be mean, like i get it, suspension of disbelief and all. But I really dislike the idea of waiting for a new Sovjet map for so long, and then only having it on BR-II.


Why not go by logic and not intentionally make mistakes?

  1. If the goal is “new Soviet map for high BR” – add East Prussia, Bagration, Vistula-Oder, “European town”.

  2. If the goal is “new Soviet map for BR 1-5” – add Belarus, Ukraine, “east European town”.

  3. If the goal is to add Rzhev specifically – add it with BR 1-3 only because it ended in spring 1943, it’s an early war map just like Moscow, Tunisia and Stalingrad.

Doesn’t this make the most sense and win-win for both “fun” and “WW2” camps?

I think Rzhev being forced to BR 3-5 because there were not enough battlefields for Soviet to fight other than Berlin rn, same case for Stalingrad. Most likely the viable choice and the most requested maps for late war are battles that they fought with the Japanese like in Manchuria and such. If they add Soviet vs Japanese, the matchmaking will also complete the cycle, each nation gets 2 opponents to queue in.

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If that’s the biggest map problem (which it is), why not add Ukraine, Belarus or generic town (BR 1-5) and avoid butchering Stalingrad and now Rzhev?

but then tiger 2 and anything above br 3 wont be fighting there
if u wanna complain abt br
I suggest we start a topic on how the dt 29 with an rpm of just 550 is br 4
And the mg34 is br 3 with an rpm nearing 1k when upgraded
And istg if someone uses the 13 extra rounds as an excuse i will lose it!
But i do agree with you on the incomplete br system

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Its not history simulater but an historicly themed game. Rhzev was a femous battlefield they want to represent in game, but BR-VI/BR-V also want a new map. Is it a bit silly, yes. Where their better options, probably. But who cares? I see people complaining about historical accuracy.

If you want historical accuracy then you German soldiers in Berlin should be childeren who cant should straight because they lack training. Or the Sovjets have an extra player on their team to represent their numerical superiority. Or should the German tanks in the Adrens stop driving after a few meters to represent the fact they had a chronic lack off fuel. It would be accurate, but it would not be very fun would it?

My point is, lets al complain a bit les, instead of complaining, just meme it or something. Joke about how silly it is, but stop complaining, what about a Tiger II on Rhzev is not fun? Its dumb but what about it is ‘not fun’. You even state in another commend that ‘ignorance dicates the rules’, what? no, people dont care because they just dont care, it has nothing to do with ignorance. Like mate, relax. The devs are finaly adding a new map after a long wait and all I see is a bunch of redditors going ‘well actually’ at the devs. Im sorry if im beeing a bit mean, like im probably overstating the amound of complaining a bit. But im getting kinda tired of every forum post beeing bombarded with people nagging about historical accuracy.


Ciry maps for USa when??? we waiting for over 2 years and onlly ardenes were added, and germany and russia have already plenty of maps to play.

Lol so you just ignore the Normandy Steel mill map and Pacific map for US?

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fajnie by było gdyby nowe pole bitwy dodali dla Japoni przeciwko ruskom np: bitwa o wyspy Kurylskie lub Korea.

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As i said Ardenes! but still US dont have city maps. The steel mill map is a factory not a city map and its old i played this map 3 years ago on enlisted alpha/beta.

Pacific are not city maps and they are the worst of all maps ppl dont want to play it and they exit battle on the begginign when it is pacific, Tunisia is removed from game actualy i play it maybe 12 times in the past of 2 years. And devs dont want fix respawns/camp spawns/greyzone

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Yes because Battle of Rzhev ended in Spring 1943, before Tiger 2 or Panther made their debut.

Hmm, this is a nice map! I think I might set my last Russian Civil War mod here. Who knows!


Remind me of the dude that used to wander the Stuttgart train station making loud parrot sounds. I look on in amazement.