New battlefield - Burma

Love the map! What I would love even more is an expansion of Subfaction content! We’ve got the map, can we have the option of making full British squads and soldiers lineup to go along with it? Now we’ll just have the Americans fighting in Burma, with the odd cameo of a british squad… This is the Burmese campaign in a nutshell, right?





This would be a great a moment to introduce a tech three Churchill or Valentine. Now imagine a premium Churchill Crocodile in Burma :money_mouth_face::moneybag:

I know the Crocodile variant wasn’t used in Burma, but I mean, c’mon we have Super Pershing and a rocket launching Ho Ri. A Crocodile Churchill wouldn’t look too out of place in this situation. :crocodile: :fire:

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Love it.

Good job! I use to live across the border from Myanmar in a place called Kanchanburi Thailand (100m from the fake bridge on the nam Kwai). Good job nailing the colonial look of the European sections of town. You see the same thing in Laos and Cambodia. It is like stepping back in time. All those places have their takes on Buddhism as well. I bet this must have been a fun trip trying to figure out the cultural elements of Wat being used in a war game. Would be like battling in a mosque. Fun fact the Burmese were one of the more powerful empires in SE Asia beating the Thais a number of times. Where I lived was famous for a battle of Roosters.


Its too soon to even think about that. There is still so much left to explore about WW2


Same here with the console test server

Garand v Kar98k let’s run it


The devs are doing an amazing job lately, I’d like to know what they’re planning to do next week, knowing that the playerbase decreases every time there’s no event. btw is there any news about M&K support for consoles?

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Typical Soviet bias and they say that Axis planes are the best good joke :joy:

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Still in the works, as far as I know.


And perhaps no D-Day beach with all the pre-placed machine guns pointing towards the defending US team. I’d assume even in such a fantasy scenario they’d have at least 60 IQ to turn them around when getting pushed back…


Exactly this. “Reverse” D-day map should be Dunkirk instead. This would improve it big time, and give us an epic battle. Where early tier weaponry doesn’t feel too out of place either.


From what my grandad told me about Dunkirk, it wasn’t really much of a battle. Although the rearguard did fight off the German infantry in sporadic battles, there wasn’t much of an offensive at that point. The panzers were held back, and there were just probing patrols for the most part. That’s not to say there wasn’t a fight, but it wasn’t much of one. Hence why the Brits managed such a successful withdrawal.

My grandad was one of the last on the boats. He lost most of his regiment and friends. I never knew this until not long before his death of old age. He never talked about it when I was a kid.


WT’s Vietnam map

Enlisted Burma map

outside the distinct structures, I see a lot of reused assets


Looks great.
Sadly no test server this weekend.
Gonna check the maps and Tu-2S.
Would be nice to know when…

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Soon™… Obviously. :wink:


At least they’re not wasting their time with making unnecessary stuff.

This map definitely looks unique. And that’s all what really matters.


I will remember this when I am being seal clubbed, to go take the tour instead of deserting. :rofl:


I’m about 2,500 km from ol’ Burma.