New battle pass features a unique hat

The new battle base includes a limited quantity of a fur hats with ear protection for axis snowy maps.
The hat is not yet availabe.
How is your opinion on that?
Is it a good addition for BP?
Does it exite you?
If not then what else could make the BP worth it?
Should that be used more in the future or should all skins go purely to the cosmetics screen for futher experimenting in the future?


Was hoping to put them on other factions :stuck_out_tongue:

personally, i dislike it.

because of few reasons;

  • only 6
    in a game where you have like… more than 200 soldiers.

  • limited to 6.
    which, good luck dressing soldiers inside squads like assaulters, machinegunners or trooper squad with 7 and 9 elements.

  • Creates fomo behind Bps
    which would remove the ability for people to get them in the future. unless they decide to reuse them elsewhere.

  • does not enrich the customization.
    when at least, imo, it should be integrated in the customization for everyone.
    or, to the very least, do like crossout where you get blueprints of said bp item and you then are able to craft as many as you can, and sell them through the market if you need.

  • only one items for one faction
    i’m sure they will and can improve it, but there should be items for all or at least, two factions. not just one. which you have to be forced to go through all 70 levels to get the same item different times. ( literally 3 levels to get 2 hats each across 40+ levels )

and lastly,

  • (speculation on my part)
    you cannot reuse the same item across campaigns.
    i’m open for bets. so you have 6 items for one campaign only. or potentially, 2 soldiers only with the same hat across different campaigns. because right now, you cannot use the same hat or helmet across different campaigns, outside few exceptions. but the most glaring example is the black helmet for the germans. which it’s present in all campaigns, yet you cannot reuse it on more than one on the same soldier(!).

partially yes, partially no.

the idea is nice, but only 6 helmets and the fomo around it, not so much.

i have mostly explained it here;

but to run it briefly,

i would mostly like the ability to get one seasonal camouflage for all your vehicles, or straight up new dedicated vehicles.

something unique, and interesting.

which… yes. it is still fomo.
and i hate fomo, but that’s how things works around here anyway.

i’d rather the latter

because the battlepass should aid and give access to unique stuff. not gate keep it.



i think

to make it unique and perhaps interesting,

i rather if you get a new sort of ticket for cosmetic.
we could perhaps call it, gold order clothing.

which individual players can only get a handful of few through bps.

and with this ticket, you can buy special cosmetics on a dedicate screen just like gold order weapons. and players are able to select various cosmetics that they prefer and buy entire sets up to 9 pieces with one ticket for each squad. that can be used across different campaigns ( as long makes sense ).

and each seasons, more clothings gets added.

this way, players can choose the ones they want instead of being forced to get stuff that they are not interested with.

that way you would increase incentives to get more people eager on the bp and increase it’s value.

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The fact that only germans get an hat is my biggest problem. The editor has ton of cool stuff that they could have added to other factions but they chose to be lazy and just give us one hat for one army

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On one hand I think it’s nice to spice up BP by having cosmetics so there’s more to unlock than just silver and a few boosters. I could see them having vehicle skins as well. Or full uniforms

On another hand the vanilla cosmetic system is rather lacking so it may be better to just add to the already existing system

Tbh, I couldn’t care less. You can already buy this exact hat. The only difference are closed flaps.

It’s nice exclusive feature for anyone who is going to play this BP season, meanwhile the rest really will not miss out on anything.

I think Erika is taking it too seriously. This hat really isn’t something extremely unique.

I might take notice of them if they were a cool helmet with foilage or something

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Or an full uniform with unique camo pattern

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I would much prefer old event rewards than anything else in battle pass

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It’s so few, and only a single type of customization stuff.
Also I think it already exist in game.
Hope we can get at least a stuff for each faction.

They most likely are just testing the waters and seeing how the community reacts first.
If they used a more desired cosmetic they might not have gotten away with it without an incident.
Expect a lot more for the next BP as they got away with locking appearences behind the BR.

Silly question, where do i find the hats?, i just got 2x in BP
i am guessing German/USSR?
In headwear? i don’t see them


Tbh I havent unlocked them yet but the BP description mentions them beeing available to moscow ardennes and stalingrad axis only.
If that is not the case for you then you should consider opening a bug report about that.

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