Myrm1dons All Nations AIR Balance and Revamp!

The ultimate Dream…

As a long time warthunder and enlisted player i dont really pay attention to the stats cards
. They are mostly useless as they generally arent accurate or dont tell you the whole story.

But yeah, more ordnance, less performance. Even if it just puts red numbers on your stats card to let you know there is a downside.

Warthunder goes even further with fuel weight effect on performance

Also another important discussion. Many of these planes are capable of carrying HUGE payloads that would ruin a ground players day. Loadout would have to be "artificially restricted a little. Currently there is nothing higher than a 500kg bomb and it probably needs to stay that way.

Multiple drops would have to be considered aswell.

For example:

Single drop for fighters (250 kg max bomb size)

Double drop for fighters (50-100 max bomb size)

Double drop for Attackers (???)

Triple drop for bombers (no more than 500kg per drop at high BR, 100-250 low BR)

Quad drop for bombers (carpet bomb 50kg to 100kg)

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Wholehartedly 100% have my support. Solid ideas, much better immersion over current system. Would keep both air players and ground players happy.

I would esp like even minimal cutomizable payloads for ASFs; in games with dead airplay they could still serve a role, even with tiny bombs. More rare payloads like rockets, napalm or gun pods would also help here vs regular HE.


Indeed, gunpods could be interesting!!! Combined with belt choices (HE, AP or HVAP)


In my honest opinion I do not think it really matters because end game is its own nightmare so having some way to stop the suicide bombing would be great

Have added to Opening Post

any chance of a forward @Euthymia07 @Shiivex @Keofox ??


OMG what I would do for a Do335, or a Tu-1. So seriously want some high tier Axis fighter bomber + Soviet over specialized death-machine :heart_eyes:

Enlisted please give this man a listen/ Job!

a man of taste. Tu-1 is a beauty. My kind of plane

*Edit Ahhh crap. I just looked it up and the Tu-1 is post World War 2. Damn, I assumed wrong. Such a nice plane, doesn’t fit at the moment. had to replace with the SU-8


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Tu-1 can do 3x 1000kg so its deff BR6?? if that ever comes.

I do like the theme of overspecialized Soviet aircraft, Su-8 is a perfect replacement. Love both in War thunder.

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This is a fantastic post, I really appreciate how much effort went into this. I agree with every point made, the changes to cycling planes would be huge. The increased plane variety would be very appreciated, I would love to see more in the game. I hope the devs take notice and implement these changes in the future.


I am disappointed (not really) by the lack of the P.108A serie 2, my favorite italian plane (with a 102mm fun cannon). Would be a fun event or something, great post!


Thanks!, just caught me as I was making some alterations to the Tech Tree. Hey I would love to add planes like that. There is soo much to add, I was just trying to not go over board lol.

Shame on me for not adding the P.108A!!! I did however add the F.C.20 Bis for some fun

have added

Fw 190 F-8


Spitfire MK IX


replaced Tempest 2 with Typhoon Mk 1 B


also added A French plane just because it looks cool. Would love to expand on France


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Moved TIS MA to premiums, as you say was prototpye (replaced with Yer-2)



We also added that the recharging areas for the planes that spawn in the water would be slightly closer and it would be great

I could see that as being dynamic. As in only for low BRS or BR 1/2 (sea planes)

as you go up in BRS and you get faster planes it probably doesnt need to be closer.


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Just adding this to show the comparison between Airfield Start no spawn delay VS spawn delay plus Air spawn.

the planes are unequal on purpose to make the point.

Lancaster vs P 47 (


This is a bad idea
Because automatic anti-aircraft firepower cannot be deployed so far away
Even if there is no enemy interception during the whole process
It may have been 3 minutes by the time you reach dive airspace.
At this time, the friendly forces have lost their ground strongholds or missed the best time to attack.
When you attempt a dive attack
The anti-aircraft units on the opposite side will make your efforts in the first 3 minutes a waste.

Except if you read the post and watched the Video testing time to target. this is not the case.

Ill post yet ANOTHER example.

Airfield vs Airspawn Stuka (

Too long didnt watch

  • 1st spawn of match Proposed Airfield beats Air spawn (spawn Delay) to target (Airfield traveled a .7km further Aswell)
  • in a 5 minute period both achieve 3 strikes (airfield spawn strikes first on each run)

That was a Slow plane off a short, uneven runway…(AND I accidently left Air brakes on…lolol)…High BR planes will be even faster.

In laymen’s terms, that means for the rest of the game it costs you a minute every time you crash, suicide or get shot down. In return you get No game start spawn delay, AA protection and a place to repair.

I’m sure the ground players will enjoy the minute reprieve/reward for your death, And I am sure you will also enjoy not having the guy you just shot down spawn in ontop/behind/next to you.

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It takes you 1 minute and 30 seconds to complete an attack
but the speed is 220 and the height is 290
If you encounter an aircraft that has completed acceleration, you will have no ability to resist.
Even if you successfully reach the front line, the low-flying anti-aircraft units or infantry on the opposite side will be able to shoot you down.

The second attack plus resupply and climb takes 1 minute and 50 seconds.
Dive from an altitude of less than 700 meters
The anti-aircraft guns on the opposite side can completely annihilate you.
Not to mention the risk of being intercepted by the enemy while flying at a speed of less than 300 along the way.

The third attack takes 1 minute and 30 seconds
The top speed is only 260
Height less than 800 meters
Anti-aircraft guns will really like this altitude.

It takes 5 minutes to reach the basic dive height for rebirth at high altitude.
The speed can’t keep up either
Your enemy has at least 1 minute and 30 seconds to destroy you each time
Or punch a few holes in your plane to reduce performance and take more time to go back and forth.
Especially the height and speed in the first two times were completely insufficient.
Do you want to spend 1 minute and 30 seconds withstanding the risk of being intercepted on the way and being destroyed by the ground, or do you want to spend 5 minutes to enter a combat state?
Your teammates will definitely thank you

as said above
I hope that when you take off, you will not crash due to insufficient speed to avoid the attack (the biggest factor in the shooting down of Japanese aircraft)
Or he was shot down because he was flying at insufficient altitude.
Judging from the results, high-risk ineffective flights are worse than suicide planes.
Because he has no use