Myrm and Gastanos Battle of the Month Event: (Concept)

It’s a community milestone, which means the entire bassin of players would contribute to reach that goal of 20k tanks in 2 weeks.

It’s just an example ofc.

But I like the idea of community milestones. Makes players feel part of “an army” in a very large battle where every soldier counts, instead of the regular personal rewards.

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Judging by the amount of battles that were played in the zombie event (792,535), mulitplied by the average vehicles lost per normal games (about 8-10 at least in my experience)…then factor in there are 5 tank slots per team in this concept game mode in stead of 2…

this Community Milestone is WAAAAAAY too easy lol

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Shush, it doesn’t need to be hard, it just needs to attract players to re enact those legendary battles :smile:

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Personally, I want them to permanently allow premium account players to grind standard rate experience in big action mods (and other selected good mods) and allow players to complete events and premium battle pass missions in big action and these mods.

That way I have the possibility to add more stuff.

Whatever waiting for other players were always infinity grinding to play is really tiring.

Since I spent time playing big action I probably won’t buy premium battle pass this season again. This is really a waste of economic policy for dev :sweat_smile:

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If you could do that, thats all I would play :slight_smile:

But since Im still building, eventing and buying stuff, I dont really have that choice :frowning:

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DF’s policy towards their games seems to make the player more of a slave to the game task than to enjoy the game, yes you lose the choice, fun is not enough for the player to play custom games