My personal opinion on the 2024 roadmap
@MajorMcDonalds @James_Grove
I am glad to see the late development roadmap on the weekend of the first week of July.
I know the many difficulties and conflicts encountered by the development team.
But for players, those reasons are meaningless.
I read the new roadmap carefully and checked the historical documents of each project that I kept.
Yes, this roadmap is more about the new situation of old satellites (old plans).
However, this is not a bad roadmap. It does not exceed my imagination and cognition, although it is not perfect.
My evaluation: Compared with the 80 expectation score and 40 result score of the 2023 roadmap, the expectation score of this 2024 roadmap is 60, but I believe its result score may be higher than 60 points.
First of all, let me talk about the content in the roadmap:

I think it has been discussed enough.
But not long ago, we all knew the publisher of Pixel Storm.
In 2023, we invested and paid a lot to integrate players into 3 servers & 2 large BR rooms.
But the emergence of the new server is really sad.
Especially in its page, it claims that this server can not only play with players from other servers and enjoy special consumption discounts, but even in this server, there are new game content developed by publishers in the region.
So in the future, can players on this new server defeat players on other servers with weapons, tanks, aircraft, armaments and other types of weapons that players on other servers cannot obtain?
I know that knowledge, art, sports, games, etc. should be borderless, without national and racial distinctions, although the cruel reality forces developers and game companies to do something.
So can we give players a more equal environment? If we have a maverick server, will we also equally connect another independent server (ZH_Eastern server)?
In the current game, there are already a large number of players without Seven Virtues. They do nothing except discriminating those who are stronger than them as cheaters and those who are weaker than them as scripts.
But they never talk about their own game data, ideology, desire to win, time utilization, wealth accumulation, etc.
I hope that players will not be divided into Celestial Dragons like in One Piece

2.UI Optimization
I think developers and many authors have done quite a lot of strategy tutorials. But surprisingly, quite a lot of players donā€™t read or think about them. Even they refuse to think and learn during the practice of the game.
It is useful for developers to spend some time to sort out, classify, and supplement the missing parts and deeper content.
And it is very meaningful to implant these four-frame comics, tutorial videos, and more background stories into the game.
Even, I suggest that developers bind the tutorial to the playerā€™s personal data. For example, if the number of rallypoints built by the player in 100 games is less than 10, and the rallypoint or apc he built is used less than 10 times, then a pop-up window will appear in the game to invite the player to watch the tutorial about rallypoint.

2.2 Others
Hopefully no more old bugs will be resurrected, or too many new bugs will wear players out.

3.something new
Players can already experience more powerful AT guns in the editor and big attacks.
The developers may rebalance/expand the functions and make optimizations (such as traction).
However, like other playersā€™ suggestions.
For AT guns, I also hope that players can use different AT guns in different battlefields at low, medium and high levels. Of course, anti-aircraft guns too.
Even the models of sandbags and rally points can change with the changes in battlefield themes and room BR.
For example: in the current game, the rally point collision box of the Japanese and British and American camps is the smallest.
This is also an advantage.

3.2new class
For this item, I canā€™t fully understand it.
Because it can be a new professional team for players, it may be a technology tree version of the current special function activity legion or advanced legion, or it can be some higher-level soldier professions (such as level 4 riflemen and level 5 assault soldiers).
Even provide new players with more optional corps squads to make them like old players.

4.Silver coins
I am very happy. Although I already have 20000k+ assets (not counting fixed assets and reserve assets),
I hope this project is not limited to this.

4.1 R&D points
The R&D points of the legion and the squad should also be re-optimized, regardless of the new and old legions and squads.
After the player completes the R&D unlocking of the legion, too much legion experience is wasted.
The same is true for soldier experience.
Let these overflow benefits fall into the hands of players as much as possible. Instead of becoming surplus value that is deprived.
The current expected R&D point conversion into silver coins has a flaw. It may encourage some players to be too obsessed with 1~2 camps.
I hope the exchange framework of this mechanism can be: Soviet camp Ī± point R&D point + British and American camp Ī² point R&D point + German and Italian camp Ī³ point R&D point + Japanese camp Ī“ point R&D point = Īµ point silver coin

4.2 Box
I am very happy to see its news again, but I see that it only has the label of the old activity.
I hope he can have more possibilities, some too old gold coin content, or out-of-print gold card weapons, vehicles, paint, soldiers.
There are even a small number of box-exclusive rewards: nickname decorations, weapons, paint, etc.
After all, many old players have already received the rewards from old activities, giving them some motivation to consume resources and allowing new players to enjoy more surprises when opening boxes.

5.New battle
I hope there will be fresh modes, creativity, competition forms, competition items, and new mechanisms.
Instead of seeing too many familiar houses, trees, and decorations when walking in the new map.
*Donā€™t forget to develop the old maps (including Rzhev)!

6 Reward Cards
It is nice to see the news about controlling it.
But I hope that reward cards can also be converted.
For example, convert comprehensive rewards to targeted rewards.
The needs of different players are different. As mentioned above, for players like me, the overflow of legion experience and soldier experience will just dissipate into the air.
But when new legions and new soldiers join, they will be needed again.
So it would be better if reward cards can be freely converted in the future.

Once again, Iā€™m glad to see their news again.
The wait is too long, although it still needs to be waited.
But donā€™t forget that they need some restrictions: team players/clan players
Also, in a game, limit the number of PC players and console players included in the left and right sides

8.Iā€™m glad that most console players can play against PC players more easily.
But be careful! With new features come more cheaters, some with higher skills and disguises.
Currently, our game is already imperfect and inconvenient in terms of measures and actions to combat cheaters. Especially for X-ray and mouse macros.
ļ¼ˆThis project is the only new news in the roadmapļ¼‰

Aā€¦ā€¦~.Alliance/Guild/Clan Prize Loot_New Bloodstorm.
However, this is a good thing.

10.Global Chat
Please make the player blacklist actually work, at least link to the forum.
Also allow players to make the blacklist work without completely shutting down the chat function.
Rather than asking players to give up normal communication with all players because of individual terrorists.
Finally, letā€™s talk about some old news that is not on the roadmap怂

1.Further adjustments to the black zone, including time, boundaries, etc.; progress on fixing numerous bugs; in-depth optimization of the editor; etc.

2.Market Exchange;
Rework of player personal data files (adding more valuable statistics, such as the number of times a rally point was created and used, the number of times a battle was fought in a team with other players, the number of battles on a certain server, the number of battles in a certain BR, etc.); Player cards in the forum contain more information; etc.

3.Server matching:
For example, when I select only Eastern European servers for matching. I might be assigned to an Eastern European server with 120~130 ping (0 packet loss), a Turkish server with 150~160 ping (ā‰ˆ0~1% packet loss)? Or a European server with 180 ping (ā‰„1% packet loss)?
I would rather match for 2+ minutes than join a room with 180 ping and frequent packet loss.

4.Itā€™s 2024! Using the latest motion capture technology and real sound captureļ¼ļ¼ļ¼ļ¼ļ¼ļ¼

5.Donā€™t forget to improve and fix the replay system: for example, you can search for these playersā€™ replays by their IDs composed of pictographic characters. This will greatly alleviate some playersā€™ unreasonable complaints.

1.In the new era after Keoā€™s departure, I am willing to try to change my complaining self and work hard to encourage developers.
I hope that developers can also be more professional, divide the work accurately, complete tasks perfectly according to plans and expectations, and achieve goals.
*Here is a quote from Keo: Developers are all professionals.

2.Congratulations to MajorMcDonalds for changing his tag from Helper to Community Manager.
Hope he can achieve the title of ā€œDeveloperā€ as expected.

3.I know long paragraphs are boring.
There is no rhetoric, no jokes, and even full of grammatical errors.
But thank you for reading.
If these words can provide some reference and reference for your own ideas/plans.
I will be very happy.

4.There are some items in the 2024 roadmap, which have been around for so long that I thought they should have reached the ā€œalmost doneā€ stage, or at least ā€œin developmentā€.
But they havenā€™t.
This is the saddest thing.


Truly a forum post of all time


im not going to read this shiet, make TLDR version without repeating ā€œim very happyā€ xD

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Iā€™m ADHD so I could only get halfway through the first paragraph before I lost focus and stopped reading. :blush:


Complaints come after disappointment.
In the new era, I want to go back to the past, and start again with a grateful heart.

Hi! :slight_smile:

First thing I should say is that the ā€œOur Plansā€ post specifically states the following:

Please note, only the most important topics are included in the list.

This should allow everyone to realise that there are other things being worked on that we simply didnā€™t put into the list.

Secondly, if I am understanding your points correctly, many of the questions you ask in this post will be answered in future dev blogs which cover each point on the Plan in more detail. Unfortunately, I canā€™t answer much of your post until then! Alternatively, some may be answered in the developer Q&A about the Plan, coming soonTM.

But, in the meantime, feedback is always appreciated, so thank you!


Yes, like some old projects in the roadmap.
My suggestions are also old.
But everyone is reminding and interacting.
Hope to work together to move towards a better future.
This is all part of the process.
Look forward to the harvest.
PS: Yes, some things cannot be said, it is precisely the ā€œunknownā€.
These words can keep in ā€œsuggestionā€ tag.

Cries in Super Pershing lol

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yea same actually but i usually just fast read it

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