Nope! P-47 is the undisputed king of raining death upon the enemy as it should be. That P-47 ain’t winning a dogfight anytime soon though unless the pilot knows how to BnZ or the Jap pilot’s an idiot and doesn’t know how to death donut. I’m simply saying that you have a CAS capability. Just gotta be good enough to use it
I told you what Japan’s strengths were. You’ve chosen to completely disregard them because they’re not what you want them to be. As you, and everyone like you likes to say,
and whole point is that USA has better CAS and tanks while japan has better fighters. CAS primary job isnt to kill enemy fighters (although p47 is decent at it if you surprise enemy figher)
I could be wrong but I think a few (I don’t know how it should be quantified but lets just say greater than 1) vehicles are originally made for the game. I don’t know if its just the Warthunder devs doing extra credit or wherever the models are made. But like I said maybe I’m wrong
Regardless I still want this game to continue to add more and more vehicles, Warthunder or not. And in general there are many vehicles that don’t necessarily fit Warthunder’s mold but definitely do in this combined arms shooter. What I’m saying is we shouldn’t be entirely dependent on Warthunder