Mods memory full? how do i fix this!

ive gotten this
deleted all my mods but it still shows up
HELL! i even deleted and re installed enlisted and it still pops up!
any ideas lads?



i tried the upper method and it still shows up, should i try the 2nd method?

mh… upon looking, things might have changed.

try to do the following.

  • windows + r & paste: %localappdata%

go then to the " mods " folder,

and remove what’s inside in the https folder.

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i cant seem to find a mods folder
just enlisted and enlisted opendev

it’s located inside the enlisted foldier ( which it’s inside %localappdata% )

not the base folder.

ah… my bad.

i forgot to mention, you have to click " downloaded " folder first, and you should then access the mod folder.

and since you are at at it, make sure to empty the webcache folder too.

done all that, should i restart the game now?
or can i hop into a custom game


rule of thumb, when you are deleting stuff is norm to do it when the programm is off.

and… yes. restart your game.

ah didnt know that, lol
Anyways i restarted and i can play customs again!
Thank you so much!

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not a problem.

glad to be of assistance.

enjoy your session


Hello, i am the original poster for the fix above.
But how it didn’t work.
I might as well update my guide

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