Military Rank System

Great another tool for no-lifes to measure their biggest dick contest, oh boy can’t wait to get shamed by other no-lifes


Major second thoughs about this: good intention, bad execution

Just had a Berlin invasion game (as defending Germans), we lost under 10 minutes.

“Sweaty” or “tryhard” players will never play the “weaker” side anymore even for lols, because they will want to get those vanity points and keep winrates at 100%.


This is a pvp game. Being inside the squad system won’t be pve yet. If you want to play pve head to custom. If can choose a mode or a map, Then they would quit because the team shit. Or because need defend again. It doesn’t change the point, quit and -1 person. And the others will accept that you will have a bot in your place, and the chances of lose will increase. But at least you’re happy because you don’t have to play conquest and you don’t have to play with weaker people.

It doesn’t make sense because progression would be even slower. At most to the one who made it all out. If you want to play with real people, the way to put real people in and keep them in battle. But you can still play with real people right now. Sometimes. It’s just that there’s nothing good about it just because the two teams are so unbalanced. In terms of both game skills and tools. This is only helped by an MM that takes into account the players and their equipment. If you had 20 million players on each server, you could be sure to choose from game modes and maps. But as long as there is a severe shortage of players in some campaigns, the player should somehow be encouraged to play through that damn battle.

Oh man, so glad to get 20 kills a game now and never rank up!

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People leave matches because of the main big problem which is the chance of getting almost no xp cause you’re going to lose. The Normandy campaign suffers from this a lot cause some maps give 250-300 tickets a capture in the Invasion mode and there is no point in defending half the time. Going forward I think the top 3 players of the losing team should still get the 50 percent bonus at the end of the match. The last thing I want to mention when it comes to xp and low population of some campaigns is the amount of total xp that we get right now for F2P and premium players needs to be doubled. As it stands why would there be any growth to the game from F2P players when they only can get 3k-5k xp per match if they win. The grind is too big for any retention so people just leave matches cause of the eventual loss.

My average XP rate in Moscow axis as a f2p and no booster (lvl 34) is 11k to 14k, in a very good game where i won, can’t say about others

People play games for fun, and being on the team that is getting absolute getting dunked on is a waste of our time and can be really stressful

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Let us escape in situations where the server is experiencing problems. Specifically, if it is within 2 minutes of the start of the war, it should not be reflected in the rankings. It is very stressful to fight on a server that is out of control for tens of seconds.

As other commenters have noted the average player has minimal control over whether his team wins. Making “number of wins” part of the ranking algorithm will encourage more 4-man squad stacking of teams and more zerging into “good” teams (Stalingrad Germans).

Ranking should be about personal performance. Honestly, running in a 3+ player squad should penalize a player’s rating because it is an unfair advantage, and playing the underdog faction that loses more frequently in a campaign should give a bonus to player rating, to encourage players to play underdogs.


I’m not sure why people keep leaving games so much. I didn’t even know that was a problem until reading these replies. However I do have something actually productive to say: The highest rank should be General because a match with multiple Marshal and General of the Army players in the scoreboards is a little immersion breaking. You wouldn’t have multiples of these ranks on one team in real life.

Almost always do I play a game of conquest to see a bunch of greyed out names from people who have left the game. These slots are typically never filled, leaving them empty and causing less people to be in each match. Maybe if you didn’t leave every time you’d know that, deserter!

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I don’t think that this the best idea


  • Either the rewards are going to be things that people wont care about or if its worth getting
    casual player, console players or low skill players wont even have a chance to earn it.

  • If people are leaving matches then they either had to leave, suddenly don’t feel like playing or there is some thing wrong with the game that made them want to leave, in short offering a reward and penalization wont fix the problem that people still want to leave.

  • End of the day this is a game and games are meant to entertain, adding some from of penalization to players that might just be having a bad day and not wanting to play with certain people on the other team is not a very positive thing to do.

Now with all that being said I do like the fact that you have elected to only penalized “officers” but this should only happen to player that are in the upper %30 of the ranking and it is really unfair that players can lose “points” for losing a battle. said reason can happen for any reason such as people leaving, full matches of bots or just a really out balanced team.

Or connection loss.

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absolutely 0 care. why would i play for half an hour to get 1000-1500 base xp? conquest is least rewarding game mode of which you just run around and spend least amount of time fighting. most people dont like it cause of that reason. ffs yesterday out of 20 people 7 disconnected at start of the game. maybe problem is not in players, but in game mode?

In my case it is because I am having problems with the server. First at the start of the game I check to see if I can move myself properly. If there is a server problem, the game freezes frequently and I am forced to stare at a screen with nothing but sound for tens of seconds before my character warps in the direction of my last input.

What I’m afraid of are possible implications about restrictions on availability of game content or mechanics unless being forced into endless nolife tryhard mode.

Ok regarding ranks. are they going to be visible on the scoreboard so everyone player could see or is it just a personal thing that only appears on your profile tabs ?

If Iiunderstand correctly, even if i lost my game but i fought well (made a good score) i will gain rank points?


so sad me too