Did you repair the crash? I have a map with zombie spawns, didnt edit in three weeks. I opened it and instantly editor crashed and booted screen to files and folder window.

Plus keep getting an error at top left BOT_SPAWN has an innumerous amount of zombies spawning. This happens witb and without zombie spawn zones.

I tried respBase team 3 and adding zombie spawn zone. Spawning five zones side by side. The five zombie zones had one zombie on one zone, three zombies on second zone, ten zombies on third zone, six zombies on fourth zone. How to let one zombie spawn just allow one to escape from zone. Seems there woukd be more control to choose and p!ace different zombies on the map.

this is because you enabled bots in settings.
Check your settings with the F12 menu and set max bot count to 0 (or default i forgot)

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