Ok, add me in game and I’ll invite you.
The mod kicked me out of the game again for a reason I don’t know why this is happening. The game starts, I spawn, then the game crashes within 1 second. I fixed this problem in a previous version of the mod without even knowing how I solved it. There is not much difference between the previous version and this version, I just deleted a few weapons.
ok let me come
Can I take a look of your mod in mod editor?
(I wont upload to sandbox, partly because I couldn’t)

Did he kick you out of the game too?
I will send you the mod
Did you crash???
It is working perfectly for me
Except I got f-ed by the zombies
I like how it is “Victory” for defeat
The narrator says “we are taking too many casualties” but the victory music plays along with the “Victory” word in the screen
Why is my game crashing? This is really weird.
Could there be a problem with nvidia graphics cards? I am using an RTX 4060. It is up to date.
Maybe you need more VRAM/RAM

I have 64GB RAM and a 3070 so i guess my pc should handle it fine

Even thought i doubt you need to have 16GB ram for a mod, since it is the game who handles the ram that it wont crash because of a mod
Nonsense operations may be running in the cache. It would be best if I restart the computer, but I am happy that the problem is only caused by me.
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Well think this situation is similar to what happened to Scav_sergei
He was dealing with custom profiles in his mod when he constantly cannot spawn. But me and anyone who go into his mod are fine, the game just hates him
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The game settings are at the highest, I only set the nvidia dlss settings.
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Yes, it would be nice if I added this, thanks for reminding me.
damn what happened now Why did the game crash?
I played it yesterday without any problems
Debugging time, first, remove any wonder weapons that can crash the game
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There were only 2 super weapons and they will go 
Apparently the game crashed again. When I use the editor and finish working with it, when I enter Enlisted, there is a problem. There may be a conflict with some cached data. Anyway, I will restart the computer. This is the only solution for now.
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In my AMD is a fan speed %. Look at at your Nvidia fan speed. I adjusted mine while in game. The editor would boost and press my fan to 100% when I wantred to add a RendInst.
Did you repair the crash? I have a map with zombie spawns, didnt edit in three weeks. I opened it and instantly editor crashed and booted screen to files and folder window.
Plus keep getting an error at top left BOT_SPAWN has an innumerous amount of zombies spawning. This happens witb and without zombie spawn zones.
I tried respBase team 3 and adding zombie spawn zone. Spawning five zones side by side. The five zombie zones had one zombie on one zone, three zombies on second zone, ten zombies on third zone, six zombies on fourth zone. How to let one zombie spawn just allow one to escape from zone. Seems there woukd be more control to choose and p!ace different zombies on the map.
this is because you enabled bots in settings.
Check your settings with the F12 menu and set max bot count to 0 (or default i forgot)
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