Making Tunisia more British vs. Italians

I don’t have the BAR A2 unlocked, but every time I pick it up, I set it to slow fire rate unless I’m prone or bipoded.

I use mg42 all the time, in Berlin (haven’t unlocked yet in Norm and still doing my experiment of never buying any equipment anyway).

I prefer it to the mg34 thanks to it’s higher rof (I use very short tap bursts) simply because it allows to spew more bullets in the general spot you’re aiming at before being completely overwhelmed by recoil.
Mg34 with small bursts is doable too, but you’ll have to tap more as less bullets will reach where you’re aiming at before the recoil makes you shoot all over the place BUT where you’re aiming at.

Well. I use German MGs in auto fire (for some reasons not on Soviet side). The MG34 is better there… and I am too greedy to upgrade MG42s to replace the MG34.

I’d like to see all my Allied units in North Africa being British. Or at least have the option to choose.

I’m disappointed in the lack of osttruppen in Normandy


Add more British and Italian weapons and squads to make the Tunisian campaign more distinctive, Isn’t it? The performance of Italian guns is no worse than that of Germans, except for light machine guns. Why can the excellent Beretta M1918 and M38 submachine guns only be used by the Germans, while the Italians themselves do not? Even if you say there are more German troops, please put them on a higher level, and please arrange some excellent German weapons, stop adding junk German weapons like mp28 and M30 shotguns. For Axis novice players, the experience is poor :upside_down_face:


THey weren’t, they were roughly 30% of axis in north africa

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Germans were not the majority in north africa campaign. At start they were about 50 k as expeditionary force. Mpustache man was had enough with italian incapability and reluctatntly send little force. After operation torch and lost of libya, they send more men to defend tunisia. Afrikakorps numbers peaked at 200 k (4 field armies)
. Italians had 371 k troops just in ethiopia and somalia and 2 times more in north africa. More than 4 million italian served in army all war. Heavy lifting was done by italian not germans. Italy need seperate branch as well as britain

That is true but every game only cover tunisia were germans figth, ingnoring libya and egypt were italy and uk massacreted themselves in a ww1 style war

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