Making the Enlisted picture more real

I agree, all the campaigns look nice in their own way but the uniforms really just look “satisfactory”. It feels lazy for something not important like wind to be updated and all that while something as important as real uniforms are tossed aside. I guess these changes are nice especially the talks about dispersion changes. Still, it feels we’re still at square one in terms of communication, we still talk about loads of things that need fixing and it falls on deaf ears. I hope its just one of those one-at-a-time type things and maybe after a while we’ll get more proof that they really do listen, But who knows. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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If the devs dont listen or react, why do you say that maybe they intentionally destroy the game?

Because this is some sort of reaction/“listening” I guess.

I do not see much difference except RTS and that DF isnt broke yet.

Whilst I look forward to any dev blogs or comms usually, after the recent news, I am not interested in the wind sorry, that was supposedly an excuse for why FW190 on Berlin leaned to the side, this post confirms it’s not in other campaigns.

I hope you and the devs are not pssg in the wind when it comes to progression changes, I’m a long term fan here and have like many others raised my concerns and possible solutions, compromises…

“You’re going to reduce or remove it, right?”


"… RIGHT?!"


No with that I meant they never considered changing it because that feedback came in a less than polite manner. Those devs are people that are just doing their job. I imagine you wouldn´t like it either if you where in their shoes.

With daddy Gaijin here I excpect them to never run out of money until the higher ups loose confidence in the game´s future.

For me, those updates are the best ones… the immersion gets greater! I love it :wink:


Can we for once expect a fix that will make mountong system better instead of worse?

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@1942786 Will the plants also react to blastwaves? :hushed:


Just out of curiosity, is the wind purely cosmetic or is it going to affect ballistic?

(It wouldn’t be noticeable most of the times, but if it did it would be important to know.)


Had to quote this, because it’s the most sensed thing I’ve read development related to date.

I hope you will focus on pathfinding and survivability of AI. Because curently bots don’t survive a minute without heavy micro management.


You will never catch me. Im a fast Duck


Wind kinds of already exist in Berlin (extreme shot deviation from plane)

What I hope is:
Improve LoD behavior. Current LoD is not looking good when using tank/plane.

Infantry again exposed themselves even if they are hiding behind bushes.
Tank shot being blocked by invisible barrier.


Fix/tweak those jerky bushes. It always violently shaking when tank try to shovel them away.

Actually… I still dont think Enlisted’s foliage & vegetation is too toy-like or feels like plastic…


Double it!
The game will be balanced perfectly if everyone has to roll a 20 for a hit


As someone who uses AI a lot, they have come a long way between all the improvements. Their pathfinding is probably the biggest issue with them at the moment tho

Interested in seeing more immersion updates like these though. My computer has no issues running enlisted so it is a nice added bonus from the Graphics team


We will see about that!!!

My m30 drilling is more than ready

!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


It is indeed a beautiful piece… ducks beware!

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Why a shotie?

M1919 duck hunting!


This is really a good attempt.
But perhaps the more basic things need some changes: have developers considered adding a history mode, which is different from the common small map mixed operation mode?
I believe you have noticed how many people asked to keep the historical accuracy in the last post. Keo, don’t let us down! :fox_face:


And when GUI is off, the tank sight shouldn’t disappear

Current LoD is not looking good when using tank/plane.