Making Enlisted a Better Place №65: Getting ready for Steam!

Are there any plans to address the problem of Japan’s low BR having no air-deployed fighters and no air-deployed attack aircraft?


why i get the feeling that the unification of the support equipment was major doing cuz literally no one else has silver to do proper inf loadouts nor multiple loadouts for the same br

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Literally nothing has changed in this manner. It’s QoL change for presets.
You were always able to use Italian bag on German soldier and so.


What about HE-TF Ammo Upgrade!?

THANK YOU SO MUCH! This was soo annoying in the past, Thank you thank you

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I can’t tell any difference, the character still bounce when walking down a steep slope. This shouldn’t be happening at all.

video clip from a moment ago

Redistribution of perks. Selling and buying 6-8 perks on one single soldier cost a lot in the long run. If you need to change at least 100 soldiers equipped with bolties.

Already changed once when it was clear the perk was bugged out



Ahh, got it xD

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I’d like to see the Valentine and Cromwell added to the Allied research tree. Maybe the Archer too (TD with the backwards gun) if DF is feeling adventurous.


The babysit will never end :smiley:

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It’s just improving, devs could miss some spots and i suggest to make bug report on it.



Now mannlichers go “BRRRRRRRR”.

If ppl remember when semis rof was nerfed, I think this bolty fires faster than that, now.

it’s pretty fun!


Good point, it’s right time to nerf them. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s indeed how it usually goes… :sweat_smile:

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because they would explode themselves and teamkill


Great news to see for calliopes and the panzerwerfer. Posting again about the default camo for the Jäger regiment in all campaigns. Isnt it possible to just add the (original) default camouflage back as an option then just removing it completely from a campaign?

Well, the problem here is not the weapon, it’s how bots are aiming. This change should be:

AI soldiers will no longer use grenade launchers (including RMN-50) while aiming at an obstacle at a distance that is less than the blast radius

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When will the time come?

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