Making Enlisted a Better Place №33

Likewise. I purchased the most slots for Normandy, then Moscow, and a couple for Berlin and Tunisia. Definitely not a cheap investment, just for having the privilege of more options to choose from while playing the game.

You bet :+1:

I assume you’re trolling again?

If not. You are way off road here. Again.
What is so difficult to understand? You even created a thread (Vehicle Decal purchase is locked behind premium xp, got an explanation but still put on the foil hat and spread claims that fits your conspiracy aura.

No. Stop making things up.
You’re buying individual decorations/decals that are not tied to a specific vehicle. You can use them on any suitble vehicle and if you got a premium pass you could use up to four on a single vehicle.
The only thing you lose is the additional slots. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Your FW-190 does NOT have three decals purchased.

if you don’t understand how it works, spend money and feel defrauded maybe you need a guardian or a trustee.

Seems very clear to me

So pls stop your monkey tricks now.

Like I said, I can hardly take you serious.

First of all, if you’re going to create an argument with me, and then go back in history and take a screenshot of an old post.

When you say “Your FW-190 does NOT have three decals purchased”… And then you show a screenshot of a Jumbo tank. You’re not doing a very good job at making any sense.

Especially when I can go back and look at the very same post, and see with my own eyes that I ALSO provided screenshots of my FW-190, and the 3rd decal being locked behind a premium XP wall (of which I had zero need for, other than the +2 squad slots).

So I did the work that you failed to do, and took a screenshot from this old post.
This is what you failed to include, when you claimed:

Here it is:

And here are screenshots of what the plane should look like when the 3rd slot is unlocked.

And for your information, the message I wrote that you’re criticizing me for, is entirely to enlighten the person I was speaking (who may NOT have known these facts).

The message was not for you, it was for the person I was replying. And for anybody else reading the thread, who might not be aware.

So you are just sticking your nose in a place that you have no business, and you offer nothing positive or constructive… while at the same time, you criticize me and make false accusations in order to illustrate me as incompetent within this forum.

Therefore, you only prove yourself to be EXACTLY the “useful idiot” and “sheep” that you claim to be.
Go away dude. You have no business talking to me, unless you want to get your feelings hurt.

kissing glass

Lol, facts? What facts, fool?
Your misinterpretations mixed with lies.

Yeah, thanks for fill me in there. Because i missed to copy/paste this section which illustrate my point even more.

Your, third decal IS NOT being locked behind a premium XP wall. You can use it on every other Axis plane you unlocked in this game. How can you not get it?
You bought the decal. You still have it. You are free to use it.

What you bought temporarily was the third and fourth slot for EVERY vehicle in the game(with a premium pass).

Those three decals you bought has NADA to do with FW-190.

Tell me you get it now? Or do just wanna argue?
You doesn’t set yourself up in a particularly good light.

Why should’nt I intervene when your delusional mind tries to explain things for new members/players that is obviously wrong and mixed with your antagonistic babble.

Btw: like the hollow tin can you are you keep referencing that thread of mine. Should I even mention that there is a difference between being and feeling like something.
You misinterpreted that as well. What a suprise.

annoying troll
not going to waste my time with you

Finally quiet.
Seems like you get it now.

Nah, I just don’t want this thread to turn into a shit show.

people don't forget

I don’t understand how this game can continue to keep decals and decorations working like they do when War Thunder (another Gaijin game) is 100x better in this department

U buy a decal once. U can use it UNLIMITED times on any vehicle any faction

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UPDATE: After last update (15.2.2023) is MOD scenario run working again, issue solved.
Now I just hope the next game update will not destroy it again :wink:

Maybe I’m not reading the info correctly, but say I want to purchase a vehicle with a gold card, the PzIIIJ for Moscow.

The information says it is usable by the Tanker I crew that I already have. However, my campaign level isn’t high enough for me to use this model of tank.

If I bought it, would it be locked until I reached the appropriate level? Or because I have Tanker I’s already available, could I use it?