Make AA usable again

The current versions of the AA gun can not do anything at high BR anymore because how little damage and bullets you can get out.and the 20mm bullets on a flak cannon dont even kill a paratrooper,if a 20mm dosnt kill a human,then what does it do to an armoured plane?nothing,and that is not suggestion is returning the flakveirling or giving us the 37mm flak cannon at BR 3 to 5 games to make using AA against the mubdless allied plane cycling work.


We need that, or at least be able to make the troop shoot at planes or stay to guard the sky at a Flak or any AA station

I like the idea of more barrels, bigger calibre, no angle restriction and no over heat.

But the aim indicator must be removed before this.


Whats wrong with it though?it is fine on planes and the few SPAAs

Because AA cant be seen from the air until its too late, and it can be built anywhere. If you use it right you get free shots at the planes and if you make them stronger it’s ridiculously one sided.

Need to balance more powerful guns by making good aim required

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But thats the thing,in order for you to not be killed by the plane,you have to wait untill he cant shoot you or you get obliterated

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Which is really easy to do. Dont shoot till hes comitted, he has no hope and you get an easy kill

Its the only way to effectively use AA though,because you dont have enough stopping power for long range


I disagree on removing the lead marker.

As far as AA having free shots on aircraft there are a few ways to counter this that are up to the pilot to do. (I use these methods to GREAT effect personally.)

  • Turn off your engines on approach (1500-2500m out). This makes it so that the enemy doesn’t hear you coming.
    Not only does it help against potential AA, but many players will get into cover when they hear aircraft approaching. So by silencing your engines, you can catch a lot more enemies out in the open.

  • Fly low.
    When flying high up in the air, aircraft is much easier to see from a distance and anticipate.
    Flying low will let force AA players to look much harder.

  • The red arrow and aim assist show up a really long way away through terrain. I guarrantee the engine off will only fool noobs. If someones built aa, they know you are coming.

  • flying low makes you an easy target for mgs and small arms, AND any other plane with an energy advantage