Let's not forgetti the air-dropped Spaghetti

Just stop. Germany is doing fine right now!

I want this change but your victim complex is not helpful.

Germany is FINE. Low and high BR. Stop complaining.


Our event paratroopers with Grenade launcher are defective and the Italian should have been fixed a long time ago and Japanese needs more paratroopers.

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That’s different than…

Control yourself.

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Not the pras show me a 20-round SMG in BR4.

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4 paratrooper squads for the Americans and when you look at the soviets they have two jack of all trade paratrooper for them and when you look at the Germans or the Japanese what do they have to counter that lunacy.

And because someone is doing fine does not mean they don’t need updates.

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If we are to talk about paras in general, the elephant in the room is that they are currently the only mechanic that isn’t available in the main research tree for anyone (besides “drop tanks”, but nobody cares about those since they’re less than useless). Only event or premium squads.

Which raises the question: what are the global plans about that? And are such plans the reason for the current differences?


All I know is the German grenade launcher is defective and Italians are cursed by design but I cannot tell the future

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