Kick egregious campers for inactivity

What I’m hearing here is just that there needs to be penalties for players that intentionally lock team AI in a room. That’s all.

Ping does not mean much here. I have 210 ping in every match unless the game is horrible and puts me on EU server with 330. This game is client-side, what you see on your screen is all that matters, hits will kill enemies even if on their screen they are around corner.

squad size does not matter for tickets

1 squad is 12 tickets

210 ping

Lucky you said 90% to cover your behind.

I am low respawn in every single game and win always on ENGY and Kills. This game is completely unbalanced with no MMR.

Low respawn means nothing. Once again, if you are over 10 deaths, you are 90% likely to have no idea what you are doing with squads.

Where dose it say this?

i see it as
1000 tickets dived by 10 players=100 tickets each

It’s actually 12.5 to be exact iirc.

Otherwise nobody would play riders, radio or sniper squad, as they would be even more gimped.

You can google it to see threads, or ask on the Discord.

Thank you for perfectly proving my point: you win because im every single game you post you are being CARRIED by people you have almost exactly 33% respawns of. Who end up with 3-5 captures and winning the game for you. Without them you could have 100000 kills and you’d never win. And yeah, you are clearly in the 10% who actually DO THINGS. You aren’t showing us games with 1 kill per minute.

Also, I’m curious, are you playing specific nations or “play all”?

Top engy

Top kills

Top cap defense/offense zone kills and half the games actual caps too

Nobody is getting on a cap if they only get 10 kills. You must be the no-kill bot on my team who know nothing but hold W and die 200 times to get 1 cap. These type of players are only second to plane/tank andys who spawn in vehicles and fly into the ground / suicide into bigger tanks wasting the vehicle slot.

oh and I destroy 10+ enemy rally every game, worth 30 kills each easily.

I play whatever nation I need for BP tasks

JP for bolt, USA for MG, RU for assault and GER for semi since that is how my loadouts are set and it’s too expensive to make 2nd loadouts per nation.

Nobody cares. As I’ve said, there are campers who at least do get some kills. They are still worse than a player that can get kills playing the game

Clearly you cannot count, because the highest count cap you’ve posted is WHOPPING 1.2

Without you, there is high probability your team would win faster and everyone would have more fun. Without people on your team who have 3,5, or more caps, you’d not win a single attack map


Without engineer, you cannot win the game. Except we already know you are the zerg rusher who gets no kills, zero engy and does not help team at all, rather minus as you bleed out tickets.

Your logic is just so bad, I would think that for average person who knows they are lying it would be hard to type such wrong things, but for you – you actually think you are right innately which is sad, as it’s a built in flaw.

Would’ve replied earlier but this forum is a huge L compared to old style.