Japan Scary Gas Mask Outfit

Okey, for improve uniforms, can we have this scary gas mask outfit



I think a scary gas mask outfit would be a cool addition! Japanese soldiers did use gas masks during World War II, particularly in situations where they feared chemical attacks. While the design might look intimidating, it’s primarily for protection, and many militaries had similar gear.

As long as the uniform or gear doesn’t directly reference any specific war crimes or atrocities, having a scary-looking gas mask outfit should be fine in a game setting. It would add an interesting aesthetic without crossing any lines.


Yeah, not getting the sensitive Chinese playerbase to jump on this is going to be hard so no.


I mean, getting the Chinese playerbase to allow anything cool for the japanese is a struggle, though certainly understandably considering the history of it all.

Personally id love to see it as an even squad, though it might be worth seeing if they used these masks in areas not under threat of chemical bombardment from I think 100% of their own side as far as I’m aware.


:skull: :skull: :skull:


I just looked back to realise your posting this after the unit 731 suggestion… I have so many things to say but not the words to say it…

The masks look cool and would be a nice event squad still, but I’m also sure we can find a non super villian group who used these masks too. I had to clarify there, because saying non war criminal for a Japanese squad is literally impossible. So at least just getting the average level of war criminal, not the ones who literally wrote the books on being horrible, and then throwing those books out because they found those methods to be outdated because they came up with more horrific ways… like sorry this is just a ramble at this point because I genuinely lack the words.

fortunately the photos of the ones I shared arent the 731,if I share the real soldiers (the never enter in combat) I will be banned,because they help to do field tests…

adding nerfed photo of the soldiers

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Historically, gas masks were standard issue for many militaries during the war, including Japan, but their use doesn’t tie directly to war crimes. They were primarily used as protective gear against potential gas attacks.

I didnt realise all japanese forces were issued those particular gas masks, I had assumed that model was more specialised, the main reason im now on the fence about it.

Is why the hell did he make a post called “Unit 731” and then use the exact same photos and ask pretty much the same thing.

That was not my intention, what I was trying to emphasize with that uniform in the previous post was to make them look like the monsters they were, but I am looking, as you can see in my other posts, to include more uniforms for Japs… @Admiral_Wenli

More Uniforms

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Screw em. There’s plenty of whales in the US demographic. Not everything’s gotta be targeted for Chinese buyers. If something’s gonna make them a little butt hurt just because Japan, then who cares about their opinion?
Besides, I see plenty of Japanese characters right along Chinese characters in the leaderboard

Germans got a mask meanwhile they are using the panzerschreck so Yep why not the japanese got their own ?

while gas masks were standard issue cause of use of chemical warfare in ww1, they havent really seen any use in ww2 outside AT soldiers and soldiers with flamethrowers. most of the photos with gas masks were staged photos and not from actual combat(although there might be some from actual combat, but i have not extensively researched it).