Japan have a secret that no one know

I don’t remember Emperor’s day event :thinking:



man you really want the info but sadly i cant man if i show a picture or something Euthy will destroy it

i cant let it happen

I know what you mean, is that “thing” from the past event (isn’t that Japanese got so much event stuff) but you are over thinking it, I don’t see people use it compared to spamming type hei, and honestly I even skipped it

I have every Japan event weapon and no idea what you’re on about, all we need is the holy light of the Emperor

the Emperor protects!


well idk if you and i are thinking the same but yea it not a plane and it isnt that strong it just really unique that all (and no it not rifle with flag)

And isn’t a tank, so a couple of stuff remain but i don’t know if I’m thinking the same as you said

There you go!

Someone who gets it!


i’ll tell you in DM but it a secret remember

and btw if it somehow got fix now i will know the snitch LOL

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Japan gets sword and emperor!


If you’re referring to the fact that high-level Japanese squads require less experience, then this is something that everyone is aware of, including the moderators of the forum.

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nope it not that but it is squad related (final hint btw since anymore and it clear as day)

this is our secret


anyway i think that enough guess for the secret you were very close

anyway i think this topic should be close now and if it isnt fix next year i will reveal it (since it would be 2 year old i think? idk i havent check)

also yes engineer is SUPER close like 1 inch away from the truth

Closed as requested by @noktinnky_noktin