Italian squad uniform for the Eastern Front maps (Stalingrad and Moscow)

I swapped out all the marine helmets with regular infantry helmets as well as some caps. Wanted to make them look as close enough to Italian regulars as I could.

Still holding out hope for some late war western front maps like Cologne or Aachen. Maybe even some maps in Austria.


It’s so sad that they actually changed the uniforms in one of the test servers

Then I guess some crybabies said “but muh bathrobe Moroccans!”

And now we have them on Dday and Volkssturm in Tunisia…

And yes we need Italian European uniforms 100%

Not true.

Previously, they had their uniform available only in Berlin. But people cried so they make them available basically everywhere.

i was surprised to see the mp40 squad changing camouflage across different campaigns. ( along side many others )

that was neat.

but at the same time:

the thing is, people bought premium squads for their cosmetics.

and in the lmg fedorov example ( just like many others ) you bought a squad premerge that you won’t even get their uniform for where they were supposed to be.

so it would hurt them for future sales too.

perhaps it’s not a bad thing if they get to keep them until find a solution.

which the fucking solution should be to unlock premium cosmetics for all armies to use in said enivorement, or transform them by keeping resembles, just different colors.

i know they had that during the 3/4 tests.

but i’m talking since the merge.
( after essentially )

Because people wanted to be it that way.

well, devs turned them off because people weren’t happy with their cosmetics not being available for said squads.

so they turned it off to find a solution ( allegedly. that’s their own word after all… )

that is… if a solution is to be found in the first place.
kinda losing hopes on that.

I’m yet to see the “people” outside of one or two YouTubers/whales.

After all, those Moroccans get normal warm clothes in Ardennes, same as Tommy Gun Pacifc Marines do.

I don’t see why they can’t have normal uniforms for Normandy as well, for example.


i mean.

would you buy squads with unique uniforms just to learn that you are not gonna use them?

ovviously not.

but considering lots of people will ( on steam ) and then find out demanding a refound or fix, devs rather be safe than sorry.

yeah that’s also weird.

i guess usual incconsistency.

some premiums do change, others do not.

not sure why having to go half measures.

You can literally use search button here on this forum.

I was against that idea. But some individuals wanted to have unique outfits in every campaign with premium squads, so this is the outcome.

Completely immersion breaking outfits all over the place.

kinda funny though, they kinda brought upon themselves when they could have made a solution before hand.

granted, enlisted has more than 250 squads, which 30% are premium.

but still.

Honestly I would expect to see a squad with shorts and tan shirts only for Tunisia, not in Ardennes.
But maybe it’s just me.

In any case, I support your idea of adding those cosmetic items to general selection for pre-merge premiums.

Like Sorry you can’t have Volkssturm in Tunisia but you can dress one more squad in VS gear for Berlin of your choice.

On that note, I wonder how future premiums are gonna work?

Obviously they either need normal cosmetics for all campaigns or BS stand out cosmetics that only work in one.

We are like 30 people here in an echo chamber, let’s not overestimate it.

And yet, I don’t remember an uproar against lack of Moroccan bathrobes in Normandy.

In fact, in some cases like with silenced MP-40 squad not changing uniforms, it actually makes me more visibile in Tunisia, since I’m all green and with leaves


that’s the near part. they don’t.

you’d think that with the merge, you’d expect premium units to get more cosmetics for all enivorement.

s i k e.

i believe ( personally, but i’m kinda cynical lately so… ) just like the premium APC squad, you ain’t even gonna get uniforms. just bare bones recruits sent at the front last minute. ( oh boy if i’m bitter about that )

well, actually no. i’m being too harsh.

but they won’t change it of one bit.

therefore, same uniform for maybe one or two campaign per new post merge prem squads, and that’s about it.

no changes.

No, literally nobody would expect that. Wasting outfits or make completely new ones for already sold squads aren’t very practical.
Completely wasted resources and time.

except, you would expect for just that at least on newer squads.

that ain’t the case either.

They’ve obviously rushed the APC squads and so. The cosmetics is literally the least important issue with them.

There’s still potential for fix, including cosmetics and so.

it’s not that i care that much to be honest.

i only end up buying premium squads of vehicles anyway.

but still. kinda defeats the whole purpose of " unique " cosmetics if in the package, you only get to use the xp bonuses and the weapon/vehicle.

dunno about that chief.

that wind shield on the japanese truck is still tauting me.

and not a single mention in the patchnote about apcs.
( nor about npcs defying phisic, nor the insane overheat, or the limited angle view of the machineguns )

i can literally do better in my own basement and yet more than … idk. 60 people can’t do that?


They’ve already announced upcoming fixes for APC few days after their release

But I guess it’s not surprising, they do have different priorities rn (aka next major udpate).

still cracks me everytime the jammed m3 turret that you can only face front, and you still go in combat with the hatches open.

i guess DF can be comedic after all.

not sure about that either.

i can only wish them luck for steam.

ovviously it’s not in a bad shape compared to alot of trash that gets uploaded there.

but still.
so much work to do for a short window and estimations.

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i hope this was not lost, it would be nice to see them, specially now that rhzev upade is out.

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