It depends on transform/default entity (bomb site zone) rotation?
Also this can be answer, because the editor doesn’t show the full info about properties with matrix (m) data type. It shows only last three numbers. The rest are only in scene.blk.
Found an interesting tag called still_obstacles__disable
There are also many disabled zombies in this auto spawner, which spawns the zombies around players
_override:b=yes // override, even though it is not necessary
zombie_mode_sessionWaitTime:r=0 // defines the defeat time out to be 0.0 seconds
zombie_mode_sessionEndTime:r=-1.0 // This IS what the magic occurs. It defines a variable for game to log if all players are defeated
It is a quite simple fix.
Add that to your entities.blk
I added the USA base soldier + ai entity into the respTeam1. The options are easier to adjust beside entity blk. For some reason I don’t know the revive options aren’t visible. After changing the self-option to revive and restarting editor, each count of 5 went to 0. An extra entity was added without me adding. The zombie_mode_soldier and that made my PC lag and halt to be unstable. The zombies attacked the respTeam1 spawn very fast and started attacking the zone without the soldier there. Some errors and some other surprises I’ve learned by adding to entities.