Then out the fule in the folder with your scene.blk
Load up your mod and check your soldier to see if the value of total_kits__selfRessurrect has become 5
// new solution
// paid_loot__points:i=100 // initial loop score every respawn
// hitpoints__canBeRevivedByTeammates:b=yes //self explanatory
// hitpoints__downedTimer:r=90.0 //how much time you can spend in downed state before dying
// hitpoints__alwaysDowned:b=no //when set to yes, you cannot die while downed.
// hitpoints__deathHpThreshold:r=-1000.0 //HP amount when downed
// hitpoints__alwaysAllowRevive:b=yes // This would allow you to revive even without medkit. Does not work
// hitpoints__downedKillChanceBase:r=0.0 //chance of getting killed instead of getting downed when receiving damage greater than current HP
// hitpoints__killDownedByMeleeHit:b=no //can be killed by melee hit when downed
// hitpoints__downedKillWhenBurning:b=no // can be killed by fire damage when downed
// bodyCleanupTime:r=30.0 //time it takes to remove corpses
human_inventory__canSelfRevive:b=yes //allow self revive
You can create fake weapons with less damage. Something like it:
gun__kineticDamageMult:r=0.45 // <<< Damage.
combatFiringRange:p2=1.0, 100.0 // <<< Distance for shot. Probably also depends on some soldier entity properties (''beh_tree__blackboard__enemyRadius'', ''beh_tree__blackboard__enemyMoveFindRadius'', ''walker_agent__aiMaxShootDistToTarget'' and ''walker_agent__maxShootDistToTarget''.
gun_deviation__omegaDevInc:p2=0.5, 3.0
gun_deviation__movementDevInc:p2=0.0, 45.0
item__template:t="mp_40_zombie_halloween_gun_item" // <<< You can use here default weapon gun item entity. I just added because of some changes.
item__weapTemplate:t="mp_40_halloween_gun" // <<< Classic weapon for players.
item__unlockId:t="ussr_halloween_hero_unlock" // <<< Reason why i did seperate gun item pickup. For test and e.t.c.
Well… Also bot with it should be less accurate (gun_spread__maxDeltaAngle, gun_deviation__omegaDevInc and gun_deviation__movementDevInc), but it probably works only for smg/mg gunners. Just reuse some code from zombie survival mode. IIRC they’re ±accurate only when stand (doesn’t move much) or while do first shot.
Seems they’re locked if you use custom enlisted_visible_base_soldier entity. But idk. Maybe I did something wrong.
It seems have some limitations, because I can’t get it work in another map (with navMesh). But I haven’t researched it enough at the moment.
Locked weapons still locked even if item__unlockId is clean.
Downed state always trigger mission fail timer. Probably can’t be disabled.
Not really. It’s just a special weapon drop list. It’s contain locked weapons. To unlock them you will need to copy weapon item pickup entity and recreate it without item__unlockId. If you want unlock all special weapons… Well… Probably put thompson_m1928a1_50_drum_blood_unlock in zombie_mode__unlocksIds. Maybe you also can use default enlisted progression unlockers, but idk if it will works.
@Devenddar How can I recreate the weather of this map? I have checked the level entity but it does not appear in scene.blk and I am also unable to just copy from mod editor with Ctrl+C
It contains default lightning (unchanged lightning_animchar_manager, lightning_volumetric and lightning_panorama), camera_rain_storm_template, camera_storm_green_template and wind.
Nope, but I didn’t check it enough yet. Patrol and objective enemies work perfectly for me.
You need to create personal_box_creator first, because it contains some important info for personal_box_info:
This will spawn for player personal_box_creator__template and template depends on personal_box_creator__groupIndex. Each personal_box_info will be for each player/player id? No idea how it works.
You can place more that 4, but you will need edit personal_box_creator__numPlayers in personal_box_creator entity.
If you mean zombie spawning around player, i think you(or someone else) have mentioned the zombie_spawner_mode_soldier thing that needs to be attached to the soldier. It controls the spawning of stray zomies