Increase spare magazine for FG42 with grenade launcher

Normandy Axis were botfarming for the last months but I neither saw you or PsychoParrots complaining about that.
And I guess the answer is pretty obvious.

M2 is less accurate and if you lose against it on range with the FG, you probably suck.

The time youā€™ve seen me in this forum and the time Iā€™ve moved to PC I havenā€™t once gone back to Normandy Iā€™m originally from Xbox and I maxed out Normandy on Xbox and I havenā€™t been there since but I have a good idea of what the chaos is and what problems would appear with such weapons and things being added

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So what? honestly the complete blame fall on the allied players, they are metawhores, if allies are not op they wont play, allies where no where near weak when they where not playing them, what the concern with axis farming bots? where you one of those bots? where players harmed?

the maps on enlisted are not that big my dude, most of the time the range is not that big, unless you are trying to shoot some one at the other side of the airfield map, I dont think that what you are mentioning does really matter, now tell me why does the m2 carabine has higher rof and the same magazine size than the stg 44? that doesnt make it good enough? doesnt that means that they have a weapon that is very good, which would mean that allies, are not weak? can you use this basic logic? and just accept the true?

You are literally braindead if you canā€™t accept the facts, with the rof of the m2 carabine there is no chance that it doesnt beat fg 42 on a even head on, if you lose, using the m2 carabine against a fg42 you are the one that sucks, allies always want to get their way out with that one, ā€œoh my weapon is not that good because of of the accuracy, it has too much recoil pls help gaijin im brain damaged, I cannot handle recoil because Im de dumbest guy aliveā€ I literally play allies too and I have seen that the recoil of their weapons is no where near as bad as they claim it is, my win rate with allies normandy is actually bigger than my win rate with axis normandy even tho Im barely lvl 14 or something like that


I may live in a fantasy but what about you do you think thereā€™s enough German players to go around for all factions after the update Where limited resource while the allied players and the Soviets are numerous

A former console main.

What a surpise.

Dude. You played against bots in the last year most of the time and either didnt know or care so what do you know?

When all the German players finally die out or go to another game what will you do then fight yourselves

And congratulations you murdered all the Nazis hang them all for war criminals or put them on death trials and executed everyone possible now what Start a war with America or start a war with China

he is about to type something dumber, look

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And I guess if everyone mains Germany, it is not metawhoring.

It must be this irony.

Rn all German mains are in Berlinā€¦

ironic-star-wars (1)
Probably not because the Germans have a Tiger II there, nahā€¦

Because it shows faction imbalanave and makes life for newbies and few players there harder.
And I dare to say that it affects skills and I guess you two are good examples.

Dunno mate. Why do you only care when it comes to the Germans?

That goes for the cp, but pretty sure 100-200m are enough for medium range.

The StG deals more dmg and is more accurate and better recoil iirc.

Your logic would require to forget 90% of weapon stats and have a ratherā€¦ well ambitious logic when it comes to player number imbalance.

Because you only focus on like two stats which sounds more braindead tbh.

Wow. Joined Allies when their win rate increases and beforehead didnt even play them really (would like to discuss about the term literally there) and gets high win rates.

Imagine my shock.

There are all in Berlin because they are definitly not meta whores.

Because your meds are wearing off.

The stats say something different except in Tunisia.

Probably nothing because its like you three who left. Really a misere.

Again you have murder desires. Stop projecting.

so you want to talk about weapon imbalance, by looking into the player base? how smart of you

yeah bro germany is meta, literally in what, show something at the very least if you gonna keep saying dumb shit, if you think you are not talking nonsense, then show some evidence, back up your arguments

probably because there they wont be instakilled by the starting plane of the other faction, whats so good about the tiger II p? just shoot at its turret and its done, I guess is much to ask from you

damn you are talking nonsense again, I just played a few matches of them since the event and as a f2p thats how I got to lvl 14 probably, you must be very good at math

you are so silly if you think that there is really room for ā€œstrategyā€ and a lot of factors in a game that is about capturing or defending objectives, you cant mentally grasp that, you are like those guys that play snipers in the background roleplaying, thinking that they are doing good

I only care when it comes to the germans because they are shit at most things, they are not weak on infantry, I did say time before, that the fg 42 was op, and at the very least, they should not let it be available for every class, only for machinne gunners, but you are talking bs as always, you honestly are so dumb, I dont even know why do I bother replying you, you probably have an IQ of 2 numbers, you just wont accept anything, If I struggled playing allies, I would complain, but I dont, thats why I dont complain, because is so easy to win as allies normandy, even against max level germans, that why would I ever complain about allies normandy? if even with their shittiest weapons I can still win? I bet once I reach higher level unlocks my wr will skyrocket, good bye, I would block you if I could, but I only can ignore you, you are not worth my time or atention you are just dumb to even talk about game balance
I would also have complained about the panter and the tiger but allies got much time to play the jumbo with no equal force to stop them, why would I care after that? also now that the m2 carabine is good enough why would I care about talking about the fg 42? you want me to complain about axis while they are no op? they literally excel at nothing if planes where not a thing in normandy yeas I would comply that tiger is too much, and would ask for the devs to remove it, maybe even the panter, if the jumbo didnt exist, I have said that I would be ok if they nerfed Ju 188 to only have 4 bombs as the A 20, I have said things like that, but allies always cope very hard to not accept, that they have op shit, its just losing time

se what i did here? youā€™re just a biased retarded axis main

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Just use ignore user action, dude.

Simple CPS analysis.

E.g. no one plays Tunisia Axis because most of their guns are mediocre or simply crap and their stuff is copy-paste. Not only by stats, but also because more than three people, who are not Axis mains, tell you that. So not many play Axis there and leads to Allies really winning every match.

Do they sufffer in Berlin now as well? Stats and multiple player expierences tell something different but I guess Normand Axis mains know it better.

You know the IS2 is bugged?

And well, just shoot the para with the MG. Cant be that hard. One hit from an Karabiner is enough.

We again need to talk about the definition of literally. And I dont know how this is supposed to make you be able to talk about gear. You didnt even unlock the M2 yet.

You are not.

Damage, recoil and accuracy/ aiming are strategy now?

Because you dont aim and dont angle the Tiger O guess.

You didnt play them until now and in a time where they have higher win rates.
Really a wonder.

If you ignore me, you will not see my posts and get no notifications about me. What else do you want? Pretty much what you want I guess.
Is this superior intelligence?

So you can finally play the M2.

Your response is 3x times bigger than mine but you also ignore semi-structured writing so it equals O guess.

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He knows the M2 without even playing/ owning it. This is next levle unbias.