Is Darkflow aware that it is damaging its image by failing to meet its commitments and offering compensation that borders on mockery?
Perma battle pass when
All of us Rn
I rather have 3 Gold Orders, and cosmetic orders so I can glam some squads.
Why are you guys being so stingy…
Too busy counting the benjamins rather than listen to the community
it should be gold order, vehicle,weapon or even gold itself
Which they never gave away over the Christmas event…
Gold vehicle? 50% booster is shit
When will df bite the bullet and just make this battle pass permanent?
it should be gold order or gold itself
We’ve seen this and we know the developers are as upset as we are. But it shouldn’t be the players’ responsibility and players shouldn’t be penalized with 50% experience cards.
What I felt more was humiliation than apology.
This has turned into absolute rubbish now at this point and since the shop is coming to an end Germany and Japan haven’t actually got anything proper in the gold order department while the Soviets and the allies have always got new stuff so overall congratulations on always for some magical reason dropping the ball on Germany and Japan while the Soviets and allies get their stuff.
just look my posts for show and gasmasters,the emperor for show we have stuff lol
Yeah and none of it’s been added or even acknowledged and Germany didn’t even get any Gold weapon orders when this whole thing came to an end
If you would have told us earlier that we needed a delay of 10 days or more, or if you would have given the players enough respect and compensation (like gold orders), we wouldn’t have had so much negativity. I’m just an idiot sitting in front of my computer waiting for the new season BP. The fact that you guys are giving us feedback about delays half an hour before the BP update is as ridiculous as not looking for a toilet until the feces reaches your anus! You guys lose credibility time and time again without giving players any substantial compensation.
F **U a l l
So I guess DF just be honest and say the player base is absolute rubbish for the Soviets and the allies and say you can’t give the Germans or the Japanese anything Because it’ll cause some sort of fluctuation for the Germans or the Japanese that will destroy the fragile and weak allies and Soviets player bass.
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Justice for the community! Justice for Germany & Japan!!
We demand a gold vehicle order thats universal for the factions!