If the player community can’t unite and put pressure on DF, then DF will continue to act as it pleases and not treat players as human beings. Keep on with your lamentations about Germany and Japan.
We should all go on strike!!
This is beyond parody. Lmao
Well, i hope it’s not the case, devs will try to minimize such situations in future… sorry :с
Give us gold order vehicle, also as mentioned above a booster that stays until solved. Only Fair!!
look man why didnt you just do what i said before all this delay
just give another GO sale man come on i mean i already use the gold but still should have done the gold sale again tbh
This time I agree with you. Let’s unite just like the players of War Thunder.
For once Well thanks.
The battlepass store has fought too well!
Live! Live! Live! Live!
you know what? I think i`ll have to rest for a bit, Im tired of the constant lies
I’ve lost count of all the times the devs have said something similar and they haven’t delivered at all. I’ve already lost all my faith and trust in them.
Sorry, but seriously this is ridiculous, how can you be so incompetent? I’m really starting to believe that the game’s graphics team is the only one that works seriously.
This is not inspiring confidence. Do better
You do understand the new BP was advertised as LESS OF A HASSLE to update, but now appears even more broken.
So why would the community think that “such situations in the future” will be minimized?
Theyve actually been MAXIMIZED so far.
Not very sure about it. So its possible. Do the community a favour give the people what they ask for at least a GO Vehicle and a booster that lasts until “The 7 days” allegedly.
The Slavs support you. Lets fight sloppiness together
My BP is revaluing itself LMAO
or a GO sale again but this time 50% that could work too i think but come on should have done that before all these delay happen
It aint the battle pass thats broken its the people