In this section I’ll show and cover the “ hearth “ of this suggestion. gamemodes. with a small introductive videos and few words on what I would like to see and be able to play in enlisted. There will be additional information for developers in the text down below on how those game modes should be structured ( mainly about details, limitations and what to expect ). but those are just mainly MY suggestions. I’m sure devs can be creative enough on their own. If not, I hope my ideas could be a good starting point and/or create interesting opportunities.
with all that side, let’s start;
Normal Matches
there isn’t much to say about these.
This gamemode works just like the multiplayer game modes ( destruction, conquest, train invasion, invasion and assault ), but against bots.
The matchmaker will pick players from the same faction and put them together in a match against a full team of AIs.
This is perhaps the simplest of all the suggested game modes that I’d like to see in enlisted.
This game mode is designed for players that have just started to play the game and are looking on learn how to play this game while earning a bit of XP’s, works for others folks that like pve content, as well for other small percentage like me of veterans that do not like to crush other people because of the lack of skill based matchmaker and/or those that got burned out of pvp.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Regarding settings and options, those are no different from normal matchmaking. Just the opponents are full of bots.
The skirmishes are the second " easier " PVE content that does not require huge thinking or incredible amounts of resources from devs. Players can simply play while having some fun " randomly ".
an ideal game mode for those that do not have much time.
For example, if you only have 15 minutes available, you can play one of these matches, earn a few xps, and log off and continue with your day if you have other things to do.
Skirmishes, unlike the previous type of game mode, are much, much more arcady. And works similarly to custom matches settings. Campaign factions can play on different campaign maps.
This game mode is designed to be hop in enlisted for some fast matches where you just have to kill things, and have fun while exploring/learning maps or just try something a bit different.
Examples of skirmishes could be:
this gamemode works similar to the war thunder one. There’s an area that you have to defend against waves of bots. you have to prevent them from conquering the objective. nice and simple.
- Team deathmatch against bots
Both teams have 1000 tickets( or maybe less, depends from the devs what they think of or what they want ) and 15 minutes of time ( don’t wanna prolong it more than necessary. plus, timers always prevent farmers ) wins whoever has the most tickets remaining at the end of the timer or manages to eliminate all the enemies ones.
In this gamemode, players have a limited amount of reinforcements and they have to eliminate all or the majority of the enemy bots present in the map.
bots can roam around or be entrenched in certain houses.
( Unlike the previous gamemode ( TDM ), the players here have many fewer tickets. and the area is going to be much wider.
kinda like an open world to explore and have a bit more “casual” fun around the map while exploring the gorgeous map of enlisted without being strictly limited to only one area. )
it would work as a “ much harder and challenging team deathmatch. “
“ VIP “
In this game mode, works similar to the elimination above. But this time, the commander is the objective ( an npc ). So it’s more or like search and destroy type of game modes. Except, this time it’s a commander and you don’t know where he is. You have 15 minutes of time before he will leave the area. So players must cooperate with each other to take out him, and his bodyguard. Defeat conditions are if the players reaches 0 tickets, or the commander itself escapes ( or if the timer expires ).
Operations are the main stronghold of this suggestion and the reason why I made this suggestion in the first place.
Operations are missions in cooperatives that offer a particular experience and require you to perform different tasks within one map in order to win.
( similar to war thunder single player missions or crossout raids ).
you have procedural objectives and secondary objectives for additional rewards.
Expect a lot of iterations involved, such as blow up objectives to further continue, capture some objectives, defend others, escort Generals/Vehicles, Ambush Positions, and many other aspects. Cooperation is the key to success.
Operations are a bit harder and more complex than skirmishes. it’s meant to be semi realistic and often requires cooperation between members and much more caution along the missions.
Some maps can be accomplished by 2 members, others might require a full team of 4, 6 or even 8.
( depending on the size of the map, the total amount of objective, or the numbers of bots present in the map. But I still like to give the ability to players to complete them by only two members if they feel brave enough and interested in new challenges )
and a few examples could be:
This gamemode works simple, it’s similar to normal Assaults and Invasion game modes from the multiplayer, but to make them more interesting and different, the opponents or the players team CAN counter attacks when a position is lost. The counter attack “feature” works that once one point get captured, there’s a chance that the defenders can counter attack shifting the sides of the battle for a bit. For example, the players that attacked on position, might get forced to defend it by the opponents bots and change the gameplay by a bit. If the defenders manage to take the control back, it will remove tickets previously gained by the attackers. Same happens if the defenders are players. If the attacking bots manage to capture one or more position, a counter attack chance for the defenders will appear and have a possibility to remove the previously gained tickets. In my opinion, it will get more intense and give an experience for this gamemode.
- Global operation similar to others titles
where there are many and different types of objectives.
Lone Fighters Operations / Hardcore Operations
one interesting way ( or at least i thought in my mind )
is to spice up the difficulty and make these gamemode a copy of the ones covered before but this time, you only have one squad/soldier life, and doubled the enemy. should give more rewards as well as the risks are much higher. as someone said, " no risks, no rewards ".
Coordination is a must. for more intense and “”“hardcore”"" experience ( to not confuse with the Hardcore HUD )
campaigns and events basically involve a “ playlist “ of battle made out with normal matches and/or Operations with historical settings and orders of battles where each defeat or victory matters for the next battle.
( similar to the dynamic campaign of war thunder, where each mission gains or loses a sector in historical order ) more precisely, campaigns will take tracks of the missions accomplished or lost, and continue until the players played all the maps of the playlist ( no matter if he loses or wins ) till the end.
and in order to " make it work " there must be limitations. for example, for keep it historical, if there’s the invasion of Iosif-Volotsky Monastery ( Moscow ), German players with MKHBs SHOULD NOT be able to participate because of the immersion that would ruin. Same goes for jumbos over Normandy, and many others ( bots have feelings too).
On the other hand, in order to make it balanced, if the mission is in Berlin and Includes IS2s, players without at least the Panther ( at level 12 ) Should/will not be able to join.
and the game will remind the players that they have one or more equipments that is invalid with the mission
quotes and sad stories aren’t necessary perhaps. but i think it would be a nice touch to remind those who have fallen for the victory, and the defeat. After all, those people no matter their banner, were humans just like us. and to understand the price of victory, and defeat. i think it’s always important to leave a message.
but that’s just me. the editor was a bit against, perhaps he was right lol.
and lastly:
events or presets are special game modes that can be pretty much a mix of the ones above, but with different settings. Can be used by devs for make test things to the player without eventually mess with the balancemeant. Also works for mechanics too. Therefore the players will be able to experience and give feedback about upcoming content( if devs want to of course ), if not, those can still be used for different aspects.
a few examples that could be great and make an incredible addition to this game would be:
just you, your buddy/buddies and a tank.
Your task is to complete the mission while staying alive.
The players will have access to a tank and they have to proceed throughout ambushes or capture certain areas. the main key of this gamemode is to cooperate between members ( the driver, gunner and commander ) to complete the mission. in one tank.
The mission will fail if all the players will die and/or if the tank get destroyed
- Paratrooper Lone Wolf Operation:
with the russian/british/American commandos/paratroopers ( or fallschirmjagers ) you’ll start by parachuting behind the enemy lines, and your task is to blow up a few objectives, and get back ( or somewhere ) alive. In order to succeed, at least one member must remain alive and all primary objectives accomplished.
- tanks or airplanes only
( yes, I know war thunder exist and bla bla bla )
Since enlisted works differently than wt and in my opinion somewhat “interesting”, it would be cool to play some game modes with no tank limits. or other different type of objectives.