I need the scene.blk file of a working map

so for example, dday invasion, allies is defending and germans attaking, i want the full on map, yknow what i mean, exactly like a real match, everything vanilla, anyways, the map i want to have the scene.blk file is Birch Grove West (Axis) (Invasion)

ok but i need instructions on where to go to the specific scene.blk file i want


still, ALL of the blk files are encrypted gibbrish, so much so, that the editor straight up crashes when i replace my scene.blk file with these gibbreish codes

Open BLKX files. They are literally next to the BLK files.

i literally did, still, literally nothing, only the map, not completed and full like i obv want it to be, infact, i literally put every single file that is needed for a scene, which is rezch or whatever the hell is called, and the editor crashes


than i delete every file in the e mod file obv, and only put these 2 files


than e wont even show!

if you’re gonna give me instructions, at least test if the instructions even work

You’re a bad observer.

You’ve never noticed that in every scene folder, the BLK is called scene.blk.

Rename the mission file to scene.blk.

i did, and ofc, empty map, nothing, just the map

Pay attention to file size. Some scenes are empty.

Files starting with _ are mission config BLKs.

so what scenes are 100% full like a real match?, those with _?

like just tell me scenes that are full maps, not empty ones

Like just find what you seek by looking at filenames.

but like i said, when i do ur instructions, is just an empty map

What exactly are you trying to do? Modify the existing Rzhev map as a mod? I’m going to take a guess if that’s the case you’re after a particular game mode.

Oh my god, just use scenes where the filesize is bigger.


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