I just noticed

I just noticed that the new apc picture has an map at the background that doesnt seem to be based on anything we have. Teaser for the next map perhaps?


it appears to be tractor plant autumn version

given by the tractor infrastructure in the back.
and the flag

but, could be a new map too.

… or another map being reused with assets being changed.

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It is a Tractor Plant.

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But it is not winter

maybe it the not winter version (which would explain why it not in game)

It’s obviously not it. The structure in the background looks more like a bridge than a industrial section. And the truck in the background is an American truck from the last Normandy map (well, there are still such in the Pacific maps).
Although I also doubt that this is related to any map. This is just the first random environment, because they haven’t added maps for the eastern front for so long(I guess about 2 years, I mean I don’t count Stalingrad since it was paidlocked but still they also already used tractor plant for HMG update) that they’ve already used everything.

In truth it looks like an amalgam of many maps.

The dirt explosion in the middle acting as separation.

Right of it, Stalingrad traktor plant.

Left of it, Moscow, maybe. Or just some general forested area.

This picture is made artistically and is not taking gameplay footage…

It is a second point of Tractor Plant East, only that trees are in wrong area (they should be 200 m more to the left).

Truck in the background is a premium M3 for Soviets:

It’s not background. It’s literally first plan.

It is.
Since when random truck become M3 when there is real one?

But yes, I looked at it from a slightly different angle and it really looks like a tractor factory.

It is a roof of a second objective of Tractor Plant East.


it blatantly is.



it’s a mercedes

which can be found in normandy plant, & battle of the bulge / hurtgen


it’s either a casual enivroement ( made for promotional material. which at the end of the day, it’s just that )

or could be an entire new map.

after all, we do know there’s stalingrad winter version



it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think we could get a summer / autumn version of something else.

except, stalingrad it self is part of the eastern front. remember?

a campaing of it’s own.
with… two maps.

since the last was tractor plant.

somewhat, incorrect too.

because those pictures from what i have been told, are rendered with the game engine with actual assets.

and in the editor, we can see the various animations and what not.

so, technically, it’s all " real ".

as it goes for the filters though, do feel third party edits.

I know.


But not in Stalingrad.



I know. But it was useless until merge.
So thanks to merge(people like me) get 2 new maps. But still there is 2 new maps for Normandy. 1 new for PO. And 0 for soviets.

well… yes if you put it there just like i did :smirk: ( and most likely the art team did too )

how not.

shouldn’t be you… proud of the patriotic war?

i’m sure they might be " cooking " something for ussr too.

after all, they do lack latter br maps.

but… stalingrad is still a campaign that needs more map.

a bit of a shame we didn’t received that many for SG.

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This cheating doesn’t count :thinking:

Well… Only after you give birth to 140 children for Grosse Deutschland. I’m not proud of anything, but I respect it. In any case, I equally hate the understatement and exaggeration of historical facts.

I think they should already. Well, judging by the time, they should also finally add the Reichstag.
In any case, they need to involve modders(mod makers I guess) in creating new maps, choose the best ones and finish them (if necessary), I think that would be great.

They got money, the forgot.
But yes, I agree, two small maps are not enough compared to the same Moscow, Normandy, Pacific (there are 3 maps?), even Berlin and Tunis.