I am firmly against strengthening the anti-aircraft guns!

The anti-aircraft guns have been strengthened too much! Strengthening the anti-aircraft guns has made them useful for both infantry and aircraft, while increasing the number of campers and putting aircraft at a disadvantage. I am firmly against strengthening the anti-aircraft guns!!!

How are they too powerful? They suffer from a reload, overheat mechanism and they have a slow turn and elevation climb. They’re not even used in game because of their weak position.

They should be buffed because IRL they were very useful and good.


i havent got a chance to see how good it is against infantry yet but it only have 60 ammo and unlike the infinite mg that engy can build


What AA is he talking about then? I’m lost.

Stick with HMG or MG

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i think he just got flashbang with ptsd from the old quad aa so hard that he forgot current aa only have 1 barrel


I have to play some games to see how the new changes are, but I will say the AA guns were absolutely useless for a year or maybe more. They overheated too fast and had very low ammunition and if you ever managed to score a hit other pilots would just finish the plane off giving you nothing more then an assist.

Getting rid of overheating is a really good buff, maybe they will be actually useful now.


You good sir have never use SPAA

Well they were already great for shooting down planes.

I am happy overheat is gone (It can go in more areas of the game)

Happy with elevation change too (i was never bothered by the old quads shooting at infantry back in the day either)

Its a double edged sword really. Now aa gunners can get distracted shooting at infantry which is good for pilots, and less effective than someone shooting at infantry with a hmg


They reverted AA changes earlier.

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My only problem with the AA buff is the elevation, I have not properly tested so I can’t be for sure if it’s to far of a buff. But I will say taking away the overheat and a slight adjustment to angle is an absolute necessary change. If they have to “Nerf” them then it only needs to be a few degrees anywhere from 2 to 4 degrees. This way they can still aim lower than they could before the buff but not enough to kill infantry if a change is even needed.

I completely agree with you on this.

Don’t you want to create another suggestion on this topic? Your suggestions are always full of facts and good arguments.


I second the change also because the overheat was long and was a second “magazine” restriction. The same thing can be extended to tanks, because the magazine reload is bad enough and the overheat was to quick. Just because we see a mostly positive change, does not mean it will be perfect. They have to play with changes to find the sweet spot most players are comfortable with. This is just a step in that direction.

Perhaps. Just having a bit of a breather. I am still intending to do more BR ones…just need to recharge a little first.