How To Kill A Tank Guide

Personally, I need an advanced guide on how to achieve a 90s angle when shooting with an ATR so that I can always destroy the Tiger 2 with PTRS’s one shot.

Maybe someone will give me an answer someday, because I do it with difficulty and too casually. Unfortunately, the Tiger 2 has increased armor, and the developers still have not returned the old good historically right 45mm of pen for the PTRD.

I’ll look into that. Unfortunately I only have the PTRD and the Panzerfaust for the Sovies, but I can see what I can do about figuring out how to pen Tiger II’s with em

There only 2 ways:

  1. Pen engine.(only 10mm)
  2. Try to find right angle while staying on turret.
    There is no other way. At least it my conclussion. Sorry for english.

Penetration indicator is very newbie friendly since not everyone is autistic like me and won’t memorise the weak spot of every tank in game.

Yeah that sounds about right. Honestly though? Few things more exhilarating than bull riding a tank and putting AT rounds down the hull

It is, but it also removes any and all satisfaction out of killing tanks as it’s just a “move indicator till green” and then pull the trigger. It removes every engaging aspect of killing a tank

Besides, knowing where to shoot to kill a tank is what my video is for. Lol

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I think that depended on what tanks you were fighting.
Destroying KV-1s with PanzerIVs before their pen got fixed was satisfying no matter how easy you got the kill.

Ofcourse destroying Panzer IIs with T-34 or anything like that gave little satisfaction.