Personally, I need an advanced guide on how to achieve a 90s angle when shooting with an ATR so that I can always destroy the Tiger 2 with PTRS’s one shot.
Maybe someone will give me an answer someday, because I do it with difficulty and too casually. Unfortunately, the Tiger 2 has increased armor, and the developers still have not returned the old good historically right 45mm of pen for the PTRD.
I’ll look into that. Unfortunately I only have the PTRD and the Panzerfaust for the Sovies, but I can see what I can do about figuring out how to pen Tiger II’s with em
It is, but it also removes any and all satisfaction out of killing tanks as it’s just a “move indicator till green” and then pull the trigger. It removes every engaging aspect of killing a tank
Besides, knowing where to shoot to kill a tank is what my video is for. Lol
I think that depended on what tanks you were fighting.
Destroying KV-1s with PanzerIVs before their pen got fixed was satisfying no matter how easy you got the kill.
Ofcourse destroying Panzer IIs with T-34 or anything like that gave little satisfaction.