How make enlisted more HA accurate: easy way

That doesn’t mean much, t7 is only the br of that rifle. Dev already said Japan won’t meet US above certain tier, having last weapon at t7 doesn’t mean they will meet tier 7 US. Japan still lacking a tons of weapon and vehicles above tier5, I really don’t think dev will ignore such balance problem and I doubt they will add them in only 1 update.

I remember that guy. He was usually my favourite person during evenings, for my university years.


good thing it’s something totally different from what i actually made.

as for the topic at hand,


the main idea of the HA it’s not to lock people based on the campaigns.

but by weapons.

it could theorically work in different ways.

depending on the devs preferences as they fit and like.

it could either be the weapons in the loadout will define where you’ll end up being.
either the weapons year / br / era, or lastly, if they want to make an historical accurate balance. which would be essentially the campaigns merged into one larger line and br placed as the upcoming merge.

the idea would be to make things more in line with historical accuracy in mind rather than having for example, volks weapons at mid tiers, and other rather questionable placement.

either way, you can’t really go wrong.

i guess it could use some historical squads as well, but yeah, more should be defined. and that would inquire more limitations.

but, what has been suggested above, it’s definitely an improvement.

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yes, on that part we’re roughly on the same page.

but, it would become quite boring playing the same map just because of the same equipment ( as for example, a stalingrad squad could be used pretty much in all campaigns, etc ) same would go with soviets ones.

eh, it’s a bit… hard to explain, and defnitely more thoughts and times must be used in order to think of everything.

What part of permanent server in "costum"you dont understand? You get bored of moscow quit and join normandy

Do you know how permanent server work?

i do get. but it’s simply not what HA people wants.

might as well get prefixed lodaout for that.

guess we could expand such idea.

but they hardly putted effort in customs and the editor it self, dunno if they will actually be willing to keep an open server

EDIT: mh, more thoughts comes to mind, it could be a start. as long there’s official support involved ( it’s what i’m pointing at )

but, wouldn’t it better to then make it a pve if it has to be fixed loadouts?

The ghost Lonefigther server is still here running in background even if is inaccessibile… i think they can keep one open for what i want do

i forgot about those :joy:

( they do get occasionally closed though, if not mistaken )

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what about the 10 man stg/ppsh squads ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why dont do both? If dev finally give us a proper costum mode with their costum rework there is no problem for do both

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will be way more than 80 if they do as i said.

i’m making these type of content, but will it be really all? will people be interested?

i kinda started making those ( similar to bf1 / bfv operations with different objectives and lots of enemies )

also, i kinda tried to make pves like these, but more because i like them, and i thought of niche.
and… it does not come without it’s issues related to the customs.

the first one being, in order to start pves, you need the equal number of players in both teams, EVEN if you have one active team and the second will be a " puppet " team.

because the team of players cannot start the match if there are no equal numbers in both teams. that’s just how the session must work.

second issue that we have, custom profiles do not work because custom profiles for players are not supported ( yet they are for the bots ).

and lastly, ( which it’s more of a sidenote, but still relevants in order to make other functions correctly work such as customs objectives for the bomb and others ) entites.blk does not currently work on servers. only in local.

other issues that i came across,

AIs in the gray area do not die.

Tanks Hitboxes are fucked up because i had to use a frankenstain system in order for the tanks to recognize players and kill them. so i had to hide a car inside:

( yeah… that’s how effed up the situation is… did i mentioned, ap do not work? you need he )

even worse, mods that are above the 3mbs cause issues and are not properly loaded from the server.
despite the modding portal stating that 10 mbs mods can be uploaded ( which, that’s also a lie ).

not to mention, the size does matter. that’s what she said
as the process of placing AIS does take quite some space when it comes to fully equip them, give them clothes ( otherwise would be invisible ) and the placements of objectives and what not.

only issues… and no solutions in sight…

mostly because no one upvotes the suggestions regarding custom games. no wonder those haven’t been touched

so, i’ll be uploading a mod soon in the battle of the bulge with historical accurate AIS ( not players, because i can’t force them ) and gather some feedbacks.


( although, worst part is, it’s a 4 part mission. i couldn’t make it into one because of the file size… )

custom truck:

essentially, a full custom map made from scratch map. battle of the bulge.

sure there will.

I like this idea.

no matter your sarcasm, there will. Cod players can play cod, or custom.

Pz IV J, Pz IV H, Ofenrohr, VG.2… that’s bullshit, not Stalingrad.


Or people that wants HA could play games that aim for it.

game is commercialized as such, u want cod? play cod or bf5. or custom. enlisted shouldnt and cant compete with these by how its developed.

no its not.

this will do for now

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