Ho-ri should not be in game

Type 5 Ho-Ri is never existed in real life. Even prototype. They made 105mm gun prototype, but they never finished Its hull.

Even in War Thunder there was sooooo many argument about Ho-Ri, and Devs confirmed it is never existed.

So, rather that imagination tank, Chi-to and Chi-Ri II is better option for the Japanese V Rank Tanks.


Chi-to has same gun as Na-to, which is showed in later Dev blog, so it has enough power to deal with 76mm Sherman.

Chi-Ri II has same cannon as Chi-to, but it has Auto-loader. only for two rounds, but It has 4.3 seconds of reload time. Fast enough compare to V rank Sherman series. And even 37mm cannon for Anti-infantry/Light vehicles!

Yes. There is none of Japanese Heavy Tank to deal with Pershing family. But rather than non-exist imagination tank…

ST-A1 is more a proper solution for the Japanese Rank V vehicles. At least it exists in real life anyway…
(it’s just a joke, everyone knows)

Just give us JADF M4A3E8 anyway. rather than Cold war Era weapons and “Imagination” Ho-Ri, Easy Eight for JADF is rather makes sense.

Or Heavy Tank No.VI. It is better solution anyway.



dunno what to feel.

part of me says, eh, it’s a game.

but at the same time what next… pt76s for ussr? or waffentragen for germans ?

or… what else? actually, those were at least drawn and “made”.

perhaps not a huge fan of imaginary tanks…


At least ST-A1 is made by Japanese and can compare with Pershing family, but Ho-Ri? It is just imagination tank.


I would rather see Ho-Ri than anything from korean war era murdering wwii vehicles.


This is a 1956 prototype, it should not be in game.

Its from 1951.

I was expecting this thing and not the fictional Ho-Ri which is only in WT because Japan has a very small amount of original vehicles in the mid tiers, once a sub tree is added Im sure it will be removed.


Never existed, Never Planned, Never Modeled Imaginary tank being added to Enlisted,
And no American tanks could penetrate it from the front.

and japan got no proper tanks to deal with M26.
Just make japan stay at rank4 and add Chito Chiri tanks. they will much better choice.


Im rather suprised that chi ri II wasnt added first.

Seemed to be the obvious Opposite to jumbo


Releasing Ho-Ri is much similar with Hauneburg.

Hauneburg has also “drawn” by austrian Painter anyway, so if Ho-Ri is OK, Why not?


That’s the problem with the JIA. You either fight guns with sticks or you add magical stuff than never left the paper (or inventor’s head).

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I think they are not really wanting them, just using cold war era tanks as sarcasm.

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Why not? I always wondered why foo fighters aren’t present in game.

Plus Italians acquired alien craft even prior to wwii.

don’t forget the P1000 ratte too

Yeah rather staying in Rank IV is much better for IJA. or releasing Cold-War era weapons just for balance.

But Ho-Ri? Oh man not again bro


small arms ultra rare napkin prototypes for years: I sleep
one(1) spg ultra rare napkin prototype: REAL SHIT


at least there are proper prototypes, but why they had to add that Imaginative tank instead of all those? I really don;t understand.


I will be extremely mad if they make chi ri a premium.

at least those BP prototypes have exsisted. but Ho-ri? never built, never modeled, pure imagination tank it is. even the “creator” of the Ho-ri, “Maiwaffentrager” have admit it is a fake made up tank.

you are trying to compare an “imaginary tank” with a working and properly “existing prototype”!


I don’t know, nor I care. I don’t play japs and I won’t due to aforementioned reason. For me all their stuff is as good as dieselpunk and I’m here to play ww2.

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Actually super Pershing can kill it frontally.

That’s the point. It never existed in WW2. Even In PAPER. It is different version. It is just a imagination paper tank.