Hmm why we hate the germans?

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what sort of shizo posting is this one


What do you even mean by French side?

White flag nation is not in the game (except for one squad, lol)


The guy asks for a French tigerā€¦




i am more questioning on what he meant by ā€œactual armor it [tiger 1] hadā€ when it has itā€™s actual armor already


Renault tiger with the wackiest suspension


I do want pre war Char B1 someday, thought. At early br, it could be considered a French tiger, maybe? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah I really want french tank with 9 men crew


Not per say all do a mistake with tigers turret,there is a gun mantle plate over the turret supestructure(reason why you only see only additional tracs on hull,main tiger should be tiger p(but it was removed after 2 build(served as commanding tanks) it was too heavy so a bit lighter tiger 1 (we all know) with a less armoured hull for better crossterrain was approved.

But even more important GERMANS get panzerfists last!!! Soviets can normally have panzerfists???before german even.piat on lvl 2 with pen 88 ludacriss((in reallity had problems with even firing.

Obviously no one is older then 18,couse they never heard of sarcazam.
But nothing against a French fraction(just remember they got steamrolled in 3 weeks)

But thats not the point,the point being ā€”if the soviets have a GERMANS rocket louncher then why not erasing the tiger from germans,its not fair that germans have the best tank.
Americans can have a tank from last 2 days of the war with rockets(thats written yesterday for history books) soviets can have post war trial rifles,while the only acctual assoult rifle used in comvat sturmgewer44 takes up to 4 shots,sometime even a conformation hit to kill somebody on a all star rifle and soldier.

This is such non critisism.

Like, the Tiger II was a mess. Germany did not have the recources to create the corect alloys for the armour, meaing it was weak despite its thickness. Should we also replicate that in game?

The problem is that Germany produced some very strong but often unreliable weapons in very limited numbers. Since the game is not a WWII simulator, the reliability and availability do not matter. This would make Germany way way stronger than others factions because they technicaly made some strong weapons. Thats why US and USSR get some wierd additions to balance the factions. Now, could they have been more creative? Yes. But is it ā€˜unfairā€™ for Germany? No. Its just basic balancing.

Also, no, BRV Germany are not weaker than Soviet, if anything Germany is slightly stronger.

actually yes - steel quality multipliers would be great for the game

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dont bring up reality, horrible idea when you consider germanyā€™s actual ability as compared to spread sheets

where the hell did you get this? henschelā€™s and porscheā€™s tiger were tested beside each other where porscheā€™s tiger proved to be slower, highly unreliable, and broke down during the tests. Tiger P was also shown to be highly expensive for what it was worth however porsche was so confident in winning he had 100 hulls prebuilt with 10 of those actually receiving the turret produced by krupp (the rest of those turret went to tiger 1H)

ok what is the actual mistake? because these vehicles are accurately represented believe me these are taken from the sister game called war thunder and if it was wrong you wouldnā€™t hear the end of it from those autist

germans gets semi autos before japan and russia

soviet made it standard issue during the closing stage of the war as they captured so many of them

PIAT has 80mm of pen which is less than the grantepanzerbushes at 90mm PIAT also has a far worse velocity at 53m/s compared to 70m/s, the only issue that PIAT had was you had to manual cock it for the first time which wasnā€™t easy to do unless you were standing but to say a spigot mortar had issues firing is laughable

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