When they are standing out in the open and doing it, knowing full well it takes a headshot to kill them, that is abusing the mechanic. The lean is for looking around trees and corners. What they are doing is exploiting a glitch.
Ahhh… I didn’t realize it was a scroll… This is a premium squad or an event squad?
These are several premium squads (you can tell which ones by the weapons the soldiers use).
I’m pretty sure there are a lot more squads with 28+ handling. I just didn’t bother to look for more. I was tired and more or less fell asleep immediately afterwards.
Dont TT lvl3 snipers and Gunners also have high points in handling?
I mean even if you dont literally get 28 points, in the end you can still pick the vertical perk, and half of the horizontal perk right?
Happy new year and thx for the stats!
Anyone having trouble with bayonets recently?
Only when trying to stab someone who’s down. But that’s been a thing for a while. What’s the issue you’re having?
That exactly. Hope it will be fixed, felt kind of stupid thinking about whether I have to kneel down to propose stab.
i have no problem with bayonet tbh maybe you need to charge or something (since i was doing that all the time)
the only problem i have is the BS charge cancel bug
And that as well, sometimes it takes 2-3 attempts and around 10 seconds to start charging. Yelling starts, charge does not, or gets interrupted immediately. (I know I know, git gud. )
When charging sometimes I’ll pass though the enemy and get stabbed in the back.
Sounds like you’re using the wrong dimension for charging.
Is it atil there or not?
@Euthymia07 would it be possible to export an excel table with all possible American and British names/last names, lest I discard a these-days valuable British soldier?
There is really no way to tell them apart other than listen to each one’s voicelines in praactice mode
They’re all generated through a random system, I believe. It’s like a scramble of hundreds of first names and last names put into a blender. This is for all nations.
But the blenders were originally different for Russian, German, Japanese, American, British and Italian names, weren’t they?
I don’t have any British soldiers in my army called Trujillo, Lopez, Ortiz, Tran or Chan (so basically hispanic and asian last names).
Which makes me guess that the name pools are different for US and UK.
Well, just for documenting this idea, here are all the 100% British soldiers (names) I have:
I have “several” soldiers with both horizontal and vertical recoil control. I’m not sure where you’re getting your information
My opinion of this will heavily rely on how they knew you were there and what material the wall was made of. I’ll routinely shoot people through the wooden shack walls in the Pacific, for instance. People will think they’re perfectly hidden when they’re not.
And how exactly are you seeing these people that you shooting though the wall?
Anyway this isn’t what I mean. I mean the shooting players are hiding behind destroyable walls such as the stone walls on the train/bridge map. They lay prone on the other side of the wall and shoot you through the wall (when they shouldn’t even be able to see you). They also seemingly do it with destroyable objects such as boxes or spools but I can’t confirm this. The lying prone thing using stone walls I witnessed in real time because the moron killed me, thought it would be a good idea to stay there (it shown who my killer was and where they were which made no sense) with my next unit I went to the other side of the wall and the idiot was still there picking people off through the wall.
The full recoil thing was solved… But it is still stupid and should be scrapped because it means I got ripped off. Newer Premium Squads have the points to upgrade both attributes. But my Older Squads that had that as a natural bonus do not have the points since campaign merge. I did find that event squads that I never used actually do have the points. (But for normal Assaulter IV you get like 20 total points in weapons. Horizontal is 16 points alone and then every level of vertical is 3 points meaning a total of 12 points to max it out. So still the premium guys have a pool of 28 in weapons. This means ONLY recoil. No decrease of shot spread, no weapons changing speed, grenade range nor Melee attack.
Now add in the fact that these very same people are also running around (including with MG’s WHICH IS NOT POSSIBLE) and out drawing you even if you are ready for them. Or you do get the shot off first, but they don’t go down. None of that is possible any more. In order to unlock special skills, you have to sacrifice a different tree. You can have two special skills from two different trees, but you must sacrifice most of the attributes on those trees in order to unlock them. It is not possible to unlock the specials on all three trees. You can’t have Sprint Speed, Vitality and recoil all at the same time. You have to designate one of your trees as an unlock tree in order to even open recoil, aim speed or stamina.
Another thing, you absolutely positively cannot run and shoot at the same time… At least not on console unless you are hipfiring. As soon as you aim, your player stops. If you continue to move while aiming he walks slow. Yet I am seeing this more and more. And in order to do something stupid like hipfiring, you have to walk the tracers to the target unless they are real close. But somehow these guys can one-shot you while running and jumping off balcony’s by hipfiring???