This has been suggested a few times before although the last post was 2022 so its time for a reminder.
To get straight to the point, we need a grid for the map. War Thunder has one, why not Enlisted?
It is very frustrating when you’re trying to show teammates (especially squadmates) where an enemy is and the best you can do is say “they’re over there”
“I’ve marked it.”
Except, there are 10 marks on the map and we dont know whose is whose.
I cant find an enemy AT gun giving the team hell, but I can give a rough idea where it might be. I should be able to say its at grid 6C or its somewhere between 8D and 8E.
**This will also assist artillery and planes being able to type in chat things like “lots of enemies at 3H”. **
Marking is still important, but its better to be more specific. After all, in real life and other games artillery and bombing raids work off grid references and coordinates.
For Enlisted Id just expect a basic ‘Battleships board game’ style grid reference.
For those that wish to view the mini map unobstructed, no problem, just give players the option to select/unselect the grid.
Id also like the ability for infantry to mark aircraft. I am well aware that enemy aircraft are marked with a red triangle however this is only when they are close and can be hard to see.
So many times I will be in one part of the map, my squadmate is on AA gun. An enemy plane (or unidentified aircraft) zooms over my head. I want to warn my squadmate, but I cant beyond the usual conversation “its over there” “its near me” which is too vague.
Now first of all if we had a grid reference it would be easier to explain the direction the plane is coming from. Even better would be a compass so we know which way is North.
As well as that, infantry should be able to mark a plane like a tank with a red aircraft icon appearing (and disappearing) so like real life your team can track an enemy aircraft and assist the AA gunners.