
In that case, we’re in the same boat. Today’s state of things is really meh.
Especially when they’re adding weapon skins to the game that look like they’ve been lying in a pool of blood for days. While there are no actual pools of blood in the game, lol.
It all seems so bizarrely inconsistent. It makes the skins seem all the more to be out of place.


Personally I’d keep (or even increase) this current gore for explosives. But for regular bullets it’s too much.


Ye, definitely noticed it the past week. Most high caliber rounds will now chop limbs.

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It happens now with regular 9mm too! I was surprised my poop sten dismembered guys.

@iso_seppo123 even confirmed you can dismember… with tiny pistols!


Lol. I guess it has to be some kind of bug.

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I wonder if swords… :thinking:

I was swashbuckling the other day but didnt pay attention to that

Swords always could chop arms, I confirm.

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I’d like to see they expand more severe parts of the gore; head laceration/missing, body torn in half, asymmetrical laceration depends on parts/bullet caliber that were hit. Rn it just arms/legs.

Maybe I’m a freak for it, but I want more gore, like when some poor sap tank a 105mm HE shell to the chest, at the least I want to see him nugget’ed, realistically a fine red mist/chunky salsa depending.

That and flamethrower kills starting a horrifying flame kill animation like some other games.

The nightmare fuel is what I live for. Used to love it in Verdun, youd be cowering in a crater only for a second later the guy next to you attempt to stand up and get his head imploded. That or the jump scares of a corpse limply falling into your trench in front of you/being launched at the wall of a trench from a grenade blast.

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I was camping a point bottleneck last night. It was hilarious watching the odd dismembered arm rolling passed the opening every 30 seconds or so. I definitely want to see more of that.

I know it’s… strange to think this way but, gore DOES help that immersion feeling in war games.

When you and a mate are behind cover, then he peeks around the corner and some shell hits him… after your own shell shock ends, (if you survive yourself) when you see all is left of your buddy is a pair of boots…

It does leave a strong impression :laughing:

I’m not against it because war is an abomination and should be depicted as is.

I just feel it should be perfected a bit so that pistol rounds cannot do it (like in real life) but that it remains easy to take apart a guy using bigger caliber.


you should see what a 303 does to a rabbit, not pretty

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Oh I’ve been hunting (though I’d never use a 303 on small game like this :sweat_smile:) it does break stuff. In Enlisted it’s immersive it’s fine (just not with a pistol).

I chopped an arm yesterday using a p38 pistol… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’ve noticed as well. I’m constantly shooting peoples arms off now. I feel like it’s been that way for a month or so now.

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Just an update after a bit more playing, my god you guys have to use a HMG at some points, its fucking hilarious, at least 3 kills have launched into space because of it.

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